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VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

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  1. #1
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    VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    Hi all

    Im having a little trouble with the Lookin and Lookat parameters in the Find function, as I want to get the xlValues/xlFormulas and xlWhole/xlPart options from a cell value, like below:

    Im pretty sure the problem is due to the variable types, but not sure how to fix it.

    So this simple macro works:
    Sub Simple()
        Dim Found As Range
        Set Found = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").Find("Test", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
        Debug.Print Found.Address
    End Sub
    But this does not:
    Sub NotWorking()
        Dim Found As Range
        Dim MatchCaseMode As Boolean
        Dim LookInMode As Variant
        Dim LookAtMode As Variant
        MatchCaseMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D2").Value
        LookInMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D3").Value
        LookAtMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D4").Value
        Set Found = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").Find("Test", LookIn:=LookInMode, LookAt:=LookAtMode, MatchCase:=MatchCaseMode)
        Debug.Print Found.Address
    End Sub
    I can work around it, by adding this If else section, where I convert for example "xlValues" to xlValues, but how can I avoid that?:
    Sub Working()
        Dim Found As Range
        Dim MatchCaseMode As Boolean
        Dim LookInMode As Variant
        Dim LookAtMode As Variant
        MatchCaseMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D2").Value
        LookInMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D3").Value
        LookAtMode = ActiveSheet.Range("D4").Value
        If LookInMode = "xlValues" Then
            LookInMode = xlValues
        ElseIf LookInMode = "xlFormulas" Then
            LookInMode = xlFormulas
        End If
        If LookAtMode = "xlWhole" Then
            LookAtMode = xlWhole
        ElseIf LookAtMode = "xlPart" Then
            LookAtMode = xlPart
        End If
        Set Found = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").Find("Test", LookIn:=LookInMode, LookAt:=LookAtMode, MatchCase:=MatchCaseMode)
        Debug.Print Found.Address
    End Sub
    Best regards
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    The alternative is to store the literal values of the xlFormulas and xlValues constants (-4123 and -4163 respectively) and use those instead of the text.
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    interesting! first time I've ever heard this question asked before, on any board. and I have accounts on 20 of them. =) here is your answer, Imbizile. and thanks for asking! very intuitive.

    this code of yours:
    Set Found = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").Find("Test", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
    works because you have put what are called enumerations into function arguments. the compiler (the machine) reads those as 2 bit pieces of information, generally. But they can take other values depending on how any given program is written. see this for a relevant example of an enumeration that is important to you regarding this topic:


    most functions and methods in every language take enums as arguments. especially those that are not complex inputs. complex inputs tend to be required in the form of variables because the operation conducted ON them has to be complex. the most basic example of an enum, although it is technically not one, is the boolean data type. In VBA, the values for true and false are 0 and -1. or, sometimes it may even be 0 and 1. Not sure.

    so, an example as to why you're not getting certain things to work, this code of yours:
        If LookInMode = "xlValues" Then
            LookInMode = xlValues
    works fine because LookInMode is a variant, and thus can hold any data type. xlValues is not a string. It is a number. specifically, it is -4163. the humans read alpha characters, not numbers. that's why Microsoft tells you to write English instead of numbers. the compiler takes care of the rest. so in the above code example, you are actually telling the compiler this:
    dim LookInMode as variant
        If LookInMode = "xlValues" Then
            LookInMode = -4163
    and MS says that is acceptable: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/off...l.xlfindlookin. But, coincidentally, many other platforms that are much better in the way they are written would never see this sort of behavior by the developer and/or the environment as acceptable.

    so the answer to your question is: no, you can't workaround it. but you can get what you want by other means. perhaps putting the actual numbers in the sheet, in a hidden way so people don't see them? then putting the actual words you want to see in the same place in the visual sense? then have your code read the hidden numbers. that makes good sense.
    Last edited by vba_php; 11-24-2020 at 01:31 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    You Omitted xlComments in your the Data Validation for D3. That would look for "Test" in a note.

    Sub NotWorking()
        Dim Found As Range
        Dim MatchCaseMode As Boolean
        Dim LookInMode As Variant
        Dim LookAtMode As Variant
    LIArray = Split("xlValues,xlFormulas,xlComments", ",")
    'Formulas = -4123
    'Value =-4163
    'Comments = -4144
    LIArray = Split("xlComments,xlFormulas,xlValue", ",")
    LIArray2 = Split("-4144,-4123,-4163", ",")
    LAArray = Split("None,XlWhole,XLPart", ",")
        MatchCaseMode = Str(Range("D2").Value)
        LookInMode = LIArray2(Application.Match(Range("D3").Value, LIArray, 0) - 1)
        LookAtMode = Application.Match(Range("D4").Value, LAArray, 0)
        Set Found = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5").Find("Test", LookIn:=xlComments, LookAt:=LookAtMode, MatchCase:=MatchCaseMode)
        Debug.Print Found.Address
    End Sub
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  5. #5
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    Re: VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone and especially thanks for the very detailed explanation for this behaviour, Adam.

    Not sure which solution I will go for yet though.

    @mehmetcik, I omitted xlComments on purpose, as I only need to search in actual values, but cheers for pointing that out

  6. #6
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    Re: VBA Find Lookat and Lookin as variables

    Quote Originally Posted by Imbizile View Post
    especially thanks for the very detailed explanation for this behaviour, Adam.
    yeah well I always go overboard with explaining things. thanks for not complaining about it. good deal. glad it made an impact. that's obviously always the goal. =)

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