Hi guys. Hopefully you could help me complete what I want to achieve.
I have 3 columns A:C
A = Employee Name
B = Timestamp (Date&Time)
C = In/Out
Agent 1 | 12/15/20 4 AM | Login
Agent 1 | 12/15/20 5 AM | LogOut
Agent 1 | 12/15/20 6 AM | Login
Agent 1 | 12/15/20 7 AM | LogOut
Agent 1 | 12/15/20 8 AM | LogIn
I want to create a filter for columns D:E
D = First Login, Second Login, Third Login
E = First Logout, Second Logout, Third Login
the main Idea is I'm looking for their Logouts followed by their next Login. This would help with computing Unproductive Hours (Duration between Logout and next login).