Hi everyone
I have a listbox on my userform where I select a row.
The data comes from sheet1
This sheet have several columns(10) and that listbox show only the first 4 columns, and this is what I want.
I would like to show on other listbox or in a label, at same userform, the line corresponding to the selected in the listbox, but of the 10th column.
Will be possible?
I tried with the code bellow, but wihtout any result, because It shows all data from that column(k).
Thank you very much
Dim LastRow, x, CurVal As Range
'''find the lastrow 'Data begin column B and goes until k
LastRow = Sheet1.cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
'''clear listbox4
CurVal = Me.ListBox1.Value '''''ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, i) 'Me.ListBox1.Value
For x = 2 To LastRow
If Sheet1.cells(x, "b") = CurVal Then
'found a match populate listbox4
Me.ListBox4.AddItem Sheet1.cells(x, "k")
End If
Next x