This is sort of related to an earlier post I made regarding ghost button, where it was decided that it would be better to use the button from control rather than ActiveX button controls. I initially began replacing the ActiveX controls with Button form controls on my ledger sheet and all worked well.
Then I first tried copying several of the buttons to a sheet I call Manager, which contains nothing but buttons for various functions. I was hoping by doing it this way that it would save me some time individually creating the same buttons to do virtually the same job but from a different worksheet. That failed, it would take me to some other place in my code and simply STOP. So I suspected that I could not copy the Button form controls from anther sheet, and created one on the Manager sheet to test. In created the following Macro to run from the button form control"
Sub Mjan_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
As you can see, it is a very simple procedure to take me to the JanSwitch routine, that basically takes me to the January tab.

What is strange is, that if I click on this new button on the Manager tab to run the above code, it also takes me into my code and then just Stops, but if I go directly to the macro shown above and then click in it and click Run Sub, it works just fine.

Is anyone aware of why this occurs, or if I am overlooking something?