Hi All,

I am new to Excel VBS so please forgive me if this is something basic.

I build an Excel calculator with ActiveX Controls Textbox and Command Button to allow users to input number into Textboxes and have the Command Button to calculate the data.

However, after my company recently upgraded to Windows 10, I ran into three main issues with the calculator:

1. When user click on a Textbox, there is no cursor show up in the Textbox. I thought it was due to the white Textbox background so I change it to darker background but the cursor is nowhere to be found.

2. After select a Textbox, I tried to hit backspace to remove the number currently in the textbox and put in new numbers. However, I can't see the update until I click somewhere else in the worksheet.

3. Similar to #2 above, I need to click command button twice for the command button to recalculate the new numbers. It appears the first click only set focus on the command button and the second click really "press" the button.

I didn't have such issue before upgrade. I wonder if there is any resolution to solve such issues?

Thanks in advance for any help/input.