i am very new to VBA. Please pardon my ignorance here.
I have a few workbooks in a folder. These Workbooks have some worksheets some of which are named as Template - xyz (Template remains constant, xyz changes).

These Template Worksheets have some columns which have comments in the cells. These comments have a portion in " " (inverted commas) which im interested in.
I would like to the text in the inverted commas to be pasted to the corresponding cells.

Need help to create a VBA script which will :
1. Loop thru all Workbooks in the folder
2. Search worksheets named as "Template - xyz" in each workbook one by one.
3. Find comments in the cells and retrieve text within the inverted commas and paste the text in the corresponding cells.
4. Save the updated workbooks.

I have manged to get the code to get the text within inverted commas

Set commrange = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
For Each mycell In commrange.Cells
strswap = mycell.Value
mycell.Value = mycell.Comment.Text

Search = "'"
pos_first = InStr(1, mycell, Search)

Search = "'"
pos_second = InStr(pos_first + 1, mycell, Search)

result = Mid(mycell, pos_first + 1, pos_second - pos_first - 1)

mycell.Value = result

'mycell.AddComment strswap
Next mycell

Set commrange = Nothing

The above code works fine.