The code below adds a value, one time, to the "fbaship" sheet. I'm adding a text box next to the command button so I can add the same value x number of times. I may want to add the same sku one time or 20 times. Obviously, I can repeat pressing the command button multiple times but I'd prefer to type in a number and be done! Requesting help with how to do that.

Private Sub add_fba_ship_temp_cmbbut_Click()

Dim fbaship As Worksheet

Dim fbasku As Range

Set fbaship = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FBA Ship Template 2017")
Set fbasku = fbaship.Range("D:D")

fbaship.Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = search_merch_sku_txtbox.Value

End Sub