I am General Contractor and built a spreadsheet to estimate my projects. It was built as follows: The first sheet is a Main Summary. Behind that there are over 50 separate detail sheets (tabs) which correspond to different types of work on the project such as Concrete, Carpentry, Painting, Electrical, etc.. The sum total on each sheet then transfers to a specific line on the 1st Main Summary Sheet.

On a typical project that I estimate, I will use somewhere between 15 to 20 different detail sheets. The rest will remain blank with a value of (0).

What I would like to do is to "automate" the printing process (batch?) so that I only have to click one button or key to print all 15 to 20 detail sheets and the Main Summary Sheet. Each project that I estimate is unique so I may be using a different 15 to 20 sheets on different projects.

My idea is to have a radio box or fill-in cell on each detail sheet that I could click on so that when I hit the Print button it automatically prints the sheets "clicked on". Or maybe some kind of Statistical Function on the "Total" cell that would tell Excel to print that detail sheet if the total of that cell was greater than (0).. I am a beginner Excel user and hope someone can help me as I don't know how to accomplish this.