i to all
this macro delete values between sheets
Sub prova_cancella()
Dim i As Long

Dim sh As String, DaCancellare As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For i = 1 To Sheets.Count

  If Sheets(i).Name = "pen" Then
    sh = Sheets(i).Name
    DaCancellare = "D2:B13"

  ElseIf Sheets(i).Name = "pos" Then
    sh = Sheets(i).Name
    DaCancellare = "E3:F14"

 ElseIf Left(Sheets(i).Name, 5) = "spese" And Right(Sheets(i).Name, 4) <> "anno" Then
    sh = Sheets(i).Name
    DaCancellare = "A7:AO66"

  End If 

  Application.EnableEvents = False
  Application.EnableEvents = True

Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
the sheets are "pen" / "pens" / "spese" / "anno"

now I have added a new sheet "new_anno" but nothing must be deleted from this new sheet
how to modify the macro because you don't delete the values of the new sheet?
I hope I have explained
Thank you