Good morning,

Not being a 'knower' of VBA would it be possible someone could give me a code to replace the following indirect formulas?
If the code could be programmed to run on on Friday morning when the file is opened for the first time that would be great (in order to save ressources running every time the file opens).
The problem is the classic with indirect - it doesnt work with a closed workbook, hence the need for a code.

The code is to bring the results of last week into this weeks file to compare the progress.
The source workbook called w(x-1).xlsm is in the same network file (w(x).xlsm) as the destination file and changes every week from w1 to w2 to w3 etc, where the week number is driven by cell S17. This week being w2 and last week being w1 for example.

File w(x) Cell T17=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Results!$T$101")
File w(x) Cell T18=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Results!$T$100")
File w(x) Cell T19=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Results!$T$98")
File w(x) Cell T20=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Results!$T$99")
File w(x) Cell T22=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Soot!$F$21")
File w(x) Cell T23=INDIRECT("[w"&$S$17&".xlsm]Soot!$G$23")

The result should be inserted as a value.

Thankyou very much if anyone could help.