Hi all,

I am having an issue with a spreadsheet on my work computer and I can't seem to resolve it.

The worksheet has custom functions in VBA that calculate Power Factor of a motor and other details, I have been back and forward through the code and am certain there is not an error in the code (secondly as the code appeared to run perfectly fine yesterday, but this morning upon starting up, if I change a value in one of the cells passed into the function I get the #NAME? error fill the associated cells.

Could there be something blocking the running of these functions? I have looked in the options and set allow Macros etc and saved as a macro enabled workbook, but for the life of me cannot figure out why this worked yesterday and now when I open this morning I get the #NAME? error.

I can post the code if you think it will help, however as I say I am confident the code is working as it worked fine yesterday when the sheet was created, it seems to be something stopping it working since re-opening this morning.

Thanks in advance!