I have code as below.

Sub GetSheets()
DataPath = "\\silk\infocenter$\R\RPA_WWOX\GeneratePay-In_QR_for_Installation\Input\"
Filename = Dir(DataPath & "*.xls")
masRow = 2
'-------- Loop open file -------------
Dim wb As Workbook
'Set wb = Workbooks.Add
Do While Filename <> ""
'Open workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:=DataPath & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
shindex = 1
'---------------------Loop sheet --------------------------------------
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
' Loop copy data to mast file
datRow = 2
'-- Lop Row data --
Do Until Cells(datRow, 2) = ""
datcol = 1 ' column data
'-- Loop Column data --
Do Until Cells(1, datcol) = ""
'copy data to master file
Workbooks("macro.xlsm").Sheets(1).Cells(masRow, datcol) = Sheets(shindex).Cells(datRow, datcol)
datcol = datcol + 1
datRow = datRow + 1
masRow = masRow + 1
shindex = shindex + 1
Next Sheet
'------------------- End loop sheet --------------------------------------
' Call dir again ..
Filename = Dir()
'------- End loop open file -----------
End Sub
Step flow = merge all file folder DataPath .
output after run have no header.

expected output --> I want header from first file in folder DataPath in first row (output)

Please guide me about it.