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Removing mulitple columns based on header title

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  1. #1
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    Question Removing mulitple columns based on header title


    I have excel-files that are in a chronological order inside of a folder. I want to extract every Sheet1 from the individual excel-files and combine into one single excel-file with a single sheet. So far, I have successfully achieved that with the code. However, there is a lot of unnecessary data that follows in the copy & paste process, and I?m only interested in one column. Im trying to remove these "unnecessary" columns at the final step in my code on the sheet with all the data is pasted for the summarized excel-file. However, I have tried multiple approaches and it won?t work. The error I have is " Run-time error '1004'.. Please help!

    Here is the code:

    Sub Open_All_Excel_Files_in_a_Folder_and_Copy_Data()

    ' Select file location and open excel worksbooks to copy "Sheet1" into a seperate workbook to collect all data from the other files'

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    Sheet_Name = "Sheet1"
    Set New_Workbook = ThisWorkbook

    Set File_Dialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    File_Dialog.AllowMultiSelect = False
    File_Dialog.Title = "Select the Excel Files"
    If File_Dialog.Show <> -1 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    File_Path = File_Dialog.SelectedItems(1) & ""
    File_Name = Dir(File_Path & "*.xls*")

    ActiveColumn = 0
    Do While File_Name <> ""
    Set File = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_Path & File_Name)
    ActiveColumn = ActiveColumn + 1
    New_Workbook.Worksheets(Sheet_Name).Cells(1, ActiveColumn).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
    ActiveColumn = ActiveColumn + File.Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Columns.Count
    File_Name = Dir()


    'Removing columns on row 2 based on the header'

    last_column = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(x1ToLeft).Column
    For i = 1 To last_column
    If Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_2" Then
    End If

    If Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_3" Then
    End If


    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    A fairly common mistake. Instead of x1ToLeft it should be xlToLeft. But there are many more errors in the code.

    Try the revised macro:
    Sub Open_All_Excel_Files_in_a_Folder_and_Copy_Data_1()
        Dim ShTarget As Worksheet
        Dim Sheet_Name As String
        Dim File_Dialog As FileDialog
        Dim File_Path As String
        Dim File_Name As String
        Dim lColL As Long
        Dim lColS As Long
        Dim wbFile As Workbook
        Dim i As Long
        ' Select file location and open excel worksbooks to copy "Sheet1" into a seperate workbook to collect all data from the other files'
        Sheet_Name = "Sheet1"
        Set ShTarget = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet_Name)
        Set File_Dialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        File_Dialog.AllowMultiSelect = False
        File_Dialog.Title = "Select the Excel Files"
        If File_Dialog.Show <> -1 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        File_Path = File_Dialog.SelectedItems(1)
        If Right(File_Path, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then
            File_Path = File_Path & Application.PathSeparator
        End If
        File_Name = Dir(File_Path & "*.xls*")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        lColL = 0
        Do While File_Name <> ""
            Set wbFile = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_Path & File_Name)
            lColL = lColL + 1
            lColS = lColL
            ShTarget.Cells(1, lColL).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
            lColL = lColL + wbFile.Worksheets(Sheet_Name).UsedRange.Columns.Count
            File_Name = Dir()
            wbFile.Close False
            'Removing columns on row 2 based on the header'
            For i = lColL To lColS Step -1
              If ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_2" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_3" Then
                  lColL = lColL - 1
              End If
            Next i
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Gothenburg, Sweden
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    Thank you so much for the help, it really helped me to move forward with the code Sorry for the late reply, did not expect such a quick response!

    However, there is one thing that i struggle with is that when i select the folder it wont organize my data in a "ascending order" as it does inside of the folder. The files are numerically categorized for an example "1mm_F_1" or "1mm_B_1" this will go up to number 12 . It seems that the code won?t paste the values in a chronological order specifically for "1" and "11". In other words, will start to paste values from workbook "1_B_1" after that it will jump from "1" to "11_B_1" and skip "2_B_1" , 3_F_1, "4_F_1" etc and once "11" is pasted it will start to paste " 2_B_1", "3_B_1" etc. It seems that the code cant tell difference between 1 and 11, which is really confusing to me. Inside of the folder it follows the ascending order, but the code does not..

    *I have done some additional modifications on the by removing the pop-up windows, removing blank columns and added ranges in that "ascending order" that the folder has where the pasted values should be at.*

    Sub Open_All_Excel_Files_in_a_Folder_and_Copy_Data_1()
    Dim ShTarget As Worksheet
    Dim Sheet_Name As String
    Dim File_Dialog As FileDialog
    Dim File_Path As String
    Dim File_Name As String
    Dim lColL As Long
    Dim lColS As Long
    Dim wbFile As Workbook
    Dim i As Long

    ' Select file location and open excel worksbooks to copy "Sheet1" into a seperate workbook to collect all data from the other files'

    Sheet_Name = "Sheet1"
    Set ShTarget = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet_Name) 'Function to find sheet1'

    Set File_Dialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) ' Allows us to select one or multiple files'

    File_Dialog.AllowMultiSelect = False 'Create the ability to select one or more files depedent on true/false'
    File_Dialog.Title = "Select the Excel Files"

    If File_Dialog.Show <> -1 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Closes pop-up windows'

    File_Path = File_Dialog.SelectedItems(1) ' The code for when the file patch is choosen it will open all files automatically'
    If Right(File_Path, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then
    File_Path = File_Path & Application.PathSeparator
    End If

    File_Name = Dir(File_Path & "*.xls*")

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

    lColL = 0

    Do While File_Name <> ""
    Set wbFile = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_Path & File_Name)
    lColL = lColL + 1
    lColS = lColL

    ShTarget.Cells(1, lColL).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
    lColL = lColL + wbFile.Worksheets(Sheet_Name).UsedRange.Columns.Count
    File_Name = Dir()
    wbFile.Close False

    'Removing columns on row 2 based on the header'
    For i = lColL To lColS Step -1
    If ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "Time 1 - default sample rate" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_1" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_2" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_4" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_5" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_6" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_7" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "MX840B_CH_8" Or ShTarget.Cells(2, i).Value = "" Then
    lColL = lColL - 1
    End If
    Next i


    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    'Print text as headers'

    Range("A49").Value = "1_F"
    Range("B49").Value = "1_F"
    Range("C49").Value = "1_F"
    Range("D49").Value = "1_B"
    Range("E49").Value = "1_B"
    Range("F49").Value = "1_B"
    Range("G49").Value = "2_F"
    Range("H49").Value = "2_F"
    Range("I49").Value = "2_F"
    Range("J49").Value = "2_B"
    Range("K49").Value = "2_B"
    Range("L49").Value = "2_B"
    Range("M49").Value = "3_F"
    Range("N49").Value = "3_F"
    Range("O49").Value = "3_F"
    Range("P49").Value = "3_B"
    Range("Q49").Value = "3_B"
    Range("R49").Value = "3_B"
    Range("S49").Value = "4_F"
    Range("T49").Value = "4_F"
    Range("U49").Value = "4_F"
    Range("V49").Value = "4_B"
    Range("W49").Value = "4_B"
    Range("X49").Value = "4_B"
    Range("Y49").Value = "5_F"
    Range("Z49").Value = "5_F"
    Range("AA49").Value = "5_F"
    Range("AB49").Value = "5_B"
    Range("AC49").Value = "5_B"
    Range("AD49").Value = "5_B"
    Range("AE49").Value = "6_F"
    Range("AF49").Value = "6_F"
    Range("AG49").Value = "6_F"
    Range("AH49").Value = "6_B"
    Range("AI49").Value = "6_B"
    Range("AJ49").Value = "6_B"
    Range("AK49").Value = "7_F"
    Range("AL49").Value = "7_F"
    Range("AM49").Value = "7_F"
    Range("AN49").Value = "7_B"
    Range("AO49").Value = "7_B"
    Range("AP49").Value = "7_B"
    Range("AQ49").Value = "8_F"
    Range("AR49").Value = "8_F"
    Range("AS49").Value = "8_F"
    Range("AT49").Value = "8_B"
    Range("AU49").Value = "8_B"
    Range("AV49").Value = "8_B"
    Range("AW49").Value = "9_F"
    Range("AX49").Value = "9_F"
    Range("AY49").Value = "9_F"
    Range("AZ49").Value = "9_B"
    Range("BA49").Value = "9_B"
    Range("BB49").Value = "9_B"
    Range("BC49").Value = "10_F"
    Range("BD49").Value = "10_F"
    Range("BE49").Value = "10_F"
    Range("BF49").Value = "10_B"
    Range("BG49").Value = "10_B"
    Range("BH49").Value = "10_B"
    Range("BI49").Value = "11_F"
    Range("BJ49").Value = "11_F"
    Range("BK49").Value = "11_F"
    Range("BL49").Value = "11_B"
    Range("BM49").Value = "11_B"
    Range("BN49").Value = "11_B"
    Range("BO49").Value = "12_F"
    Range("BP49").Value = "12_F"
    Range("BQ49").Value = "12_F"
    Range("AZ49").Value = "12_B"
    Range("BA49").Value = "12_B"
    Range("BB49").Value = "12_B"

    End sub

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    It seems that the code cant tell difference between 1 and 11, which is really confusing to me.
    This is standard way a number as part of a string would be sorted, when a number is part of a string it is no longer a number it's sorted just like any other character.
    Just like you'd expect AAA come before B you should expect 111 come before 2 , when part of a string.

  5. #5
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    Thanks for the suggestions for polishing my code! That makes completely sense because the DIR function goes in the folder and looks for the string data to sort by. In this case my files are named in a arbitrary way, I can name the files in alphabetic order, but its not that intuitive to do that. I guess i have to change my File_Path and use SetAttr instead of defining it as a String? I

  6. #6
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    I should maybe use FileSystemObject method instead of DIR i realized.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title


    You really need to use code tags when posting code.
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  8. #8
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

    Your fill of Range("A") to Range("BB49") can be accomplished with this ...

    Public Sub Demo()
        Dim colNum As Long
        Dim i As Integer, prefix As Integer
        prefix = 1
        For colNum = 1 To 72
            i = i + 1
            Cells(49, colNum).Value = prefix & "_" & IIf(i <= 3, "F", "B")
            If i = 6 Then
                prefix = prefix + 1
                i = 0
            End If
    End Sub

  9. #9
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Removing mulitple columns based on header title

      'Removing columns on row 2 based on the header'
        For i = lColS To lColL Step -1
            With ShTarget.Cells(2, i)
                If .Value Like "Time 1 - *" Or .Value Like "MX840B_CH_#" Or .Value = "" Then
                End If
            End With
        Next i

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