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If value in column is less than XY, then write 0 in the adjacent cell

  1. #1
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    If value in column is less than XY, then write 0 in the adjacent cell


    I have a small problem which I would solve with macros.

    There are 4 columns
    Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to write a macro that does the following things:
    If(value in column3<=0.5 then also write 0.5 in the adjacent cells of column 4,5,6)
    If(value in column4 = 10 then replace it with 9.99.
    The macro should do this for the whole worksheet.

    Many thanks for your help and sorry for my bad English skills


  2. #2
    Forum Guru HansDouwe's Avatar
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    Re: If value in column is less than XY, then write 0 in the adjacent cell

    Would you mind adding an example of what it should look like?
    I don't quite understand that column 4 is seen as output in the first line, but is seen as input in the second line.

  3. #3
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    Re: If value in column is less than XY, then write 0 in the adjacent cell

    How about

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