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VBA: Copy from one workbook to an other, but keep link

  1. #1
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    VBA: Copy from one workbook to an other, but keep link

    Hi guys

    I have a problem, you might be able to help me with.

    I have two workbooks. I am able to create a macro, which allow me to copy a range(table) from workbook1 and insert it in workbook2.

    My code is very simple (just an example)

    workbook2.sheet2.range("yyy").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

    Now. Here is my question. At the moment I am inserting as values. Can I somehow insert in a way, so if something is changed in workbook1, then the values in workbook2 is changed as well, without running the macro? (a link between the two workbooks)
    You know, as one can do, when you have workbook2 open and write a function, where you refer to workbook1.

    The only solution I can come up with, is if I write a line of code for every cell I want to copy. Then I will do a cell at a time, but in my head a quicker solution must exist, where I can copy a range and insert it in a way, where I keep the link?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: VBA: Copy from one workbook to an other, but keep link

    You can try pasting the links, I don't think there is a way to paste links without activating the destination workbook.

    At least it's a mass link, instead of one at a time

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    You could also use code to add the references with one line.

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