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Find Driving Distance or Time between 2 Addresses and Place in Cell

  1. #1

    Find Driving Distance or Time between 2 Addresses and Place in Cell


    I am creating an estimation tool that among other things, will need to list the driving distance or time between two addresses.
    My Spreadsheet (attached) has cells which contain concatenated data to show the complete addresses on one line, but I am not
    finding anything particularly useful when searching in this forum as far as how to accomplish this.

    I am basically looking, for example, a way to have the address in Cell A1 enter into google maps as the starting point, the address
    in cell A2 enter into google maps as the destination point, and have the result in miles and driving time return into cell A3.
    (These are not exact cell references. The addresses are on the [Control] Tab in the attached workbook.

    Has anyone been able to successfully do this?

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Find Driving Distance or Time between 2 Addresses and Place in Cell

    Do you have a Google API key? When I see this question, usually the hardest part is that the user does not have a Google API key, which Google requires when accessing maps.

    Here's a tutorial for a VBA UDF that can calculate distance between points. https://www.exceldemy.com/calculate-...h-google-maps/ If you have a Google API key, you should be able to substitute it in to the code and get something to work for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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