I have the below worksheet change code. The purpose of the code is to review whether any of the cells have a data validation list and prevent paste into that specific cell. The code loops through each cell in the paste range and adds the content into an array. Then it loops through each cell in the paste range again and identified if the cell contains a data validation list. If the cell does not contain a validation list, then the content is placed back in from the array. If it contains a validation list, then a message is displayed, and the value is not added back in. I have tested the code multiple times by pasting into two or three cells with at least one cell containing a validation list. When I have tested the code it all functions correctly except detecting a validation list. The results are each cell in the paste range is pasted into even when the cell contains a validation list. Or each cell is treated as having a validation list even when it does not. In the below code the various ways I have written it with the results have been commented out.

I would appreciate a fresh set of eyes to look at this and tell me if:
1. What I am trying to accomplish is possible.
2. Where my code is written in correctly.
3. Any other alternatives or suggestions.

Thank you for your time in reviewing and responding.

Set vRng = Me.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
i = 1
For Each aCell In Range(PasteRng).Cells
PasteValueArr(i) = aCell
i = i + 1
Next aCell


j = 1
For Each aCell In Range(PasteRng)
'If Intersect(aCell, vRng) Is Nothing Then '***EACH CELL TREATED AS HAVING VALIDATION LIST
'If aCell.Validation.Type = 3 Then 'xlValidateList '***EACH CELL TREATED AS HAVING VALIDATION LIST
'If Not Intersect(aCell, vRng) Is Nothing Then '***PASTES OVER VALIDATION LIST
'If Not Intersect(Target, vRng) Is Nothing Then '***EACH CELL TREATED AS HAVING VALIDATION LIST
If Target.Validation.Type = 3 Then 'xlValidateList '***EACH CELL TREATED AS HAVING VALIDATION LIST
MsgBox "A cell or cells selected contain a dropdown list which" _
& " information can not be paste into. Please select directly from the dropdown list." _
& " The information which was pasted in was be removed.", vbInformation, "Paste feature"
aCell = PasteValueArr(j)
With aCell
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.FontStyle = "regular"
.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = True
.Locked = False
End With
End If
j = j + 1
Next aCell