Looking for VBA code assistance to move 3 different work sheets into a new file
In the master file we would like to browse our network to select the file of the last inspection data. Once selected press a calculate button. We read the selected file, copy specific data to a new file with the same name +?-CNC?. If the file name already exists then produce a warning to overwrite. We then add in our mathematical calculation macros on sheet3(calc macro) and the formatted results into Sheet1(CNC Adjust). When finished we will have a new file+?CNC? which contains:
Sheet1 ? CNC adjustment instructions ? from master file
Sheet2 ? raw inspection data from selected file Range("D1:F294").Copy
Sheet3 ? calculation macro ? from master file using the raw data and writing the adjustment values

I have not been successful in copying data range into a file. I'm not sure how to come up with a browse to file feature nor a radio button to start/select the action.

looking forward to the dialog
