I have a UserForm with a Listbox embedded in it.

The list box is populated through Textboxes also in the UserForm. To update the data in the list box, I Double Click the desired row in the Listbox

Private Sub lst_AnalysisDB_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    txt_Search.Text = lst_AnalysisDB.Column(0)
    If txt_Search.Text = lst_AnalysisDB.Column(0) Then
    txt_Name.Text = Me.lst_AnalysisDB.Column(1)
    txt_Label.Text = Me.lst_AnalysisDB.Column(2)
etc etc etc ....

I would like to change the DoubleClick action to Single Click... I thought this would be simple but it's not.. can anyone help me... I'm not a VBA expert and the original code was found online.