Dear VBA Expert,
I wanted to save outlook email into pdf once I select the email. ( please note: I have several subfolders in my inbox and wanted to work the marco to subfolder as well). I tried below but didn't work? Would you please advise where it is wrong ?
I also wanted to save attachment along with email body. Basically wanted two macros, one to save with attachment and other to save without. I tried below to save only email body but didn't work.

Sub SaveSelectedEmailsAsPDF()
    Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection
    Dim objMail As Outlook.mailItem
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim objMsg As Object
    ' Set the folder path where you want to save the PDF
    strPath = "C:\Approved Emails"
    ' Get the selected item(s) from Outlook
    Set objSelection = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
    ' Loop through each selected item
    For Each objMail In objSelection
        If objMail.Class = olMail Then
            ' Create a new MailItem object
            Set objMsg = objMail.Copy
            ' Save the MailItem as a PDF file
            objMsg.SaveAs strPath & objMail.Subject & ".pdf", olPDF
            ' Release the reference to the MailItem object
            objMsg.Close olDiscard
        End If
    Next objMail
    ' Clean up objects
    Set objSelection = Nothing
End Sub