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Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

  1. #1
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    Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting


    I have large spreadsheet that contains multiple data. Want to apply conditional formatting on the table so visually can segregate the various products for each line (sort A to Z on column D).
    The function (column H) / conditional formatting rule work fine if the data is just sorted, but as soon as it's filtered (in this case want to be filtered by each line (column E), the function (column H) is calculating the hidden cells and the conditional formatting is wrong.

    Is there any way this to be solved with function or maybe VBA so when the data is filtered / the rows manually hidden the function / condittional formatting to segregate the table?

    Screenshot 2023-07-07 011046.jpg
    Screenshot 2023-07-07 011156.jpg
    Screenshot 2023-07-07 012032.jpg
    Screenshot 2023-07-07 012112.jpg
    Attached is the example spreadsheet.

    Thank you in advance,
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

    My solution is to use VBA to trigger an event whenever the autofilter changes and update the border style and color to differentiate the items in column D.
    Unfortunately, to trigger the autofilter, we need to use the Calculate event.
    However, if there are no cells containing formulas in the worksheet, this event will not run when the filter is changed.
    In the example file, I temporarily added a formula =1+1 to cell J1. If your actual file already has at least one formula, you can skip this step.

    First, remove all existing conditional formatting formulas, also the helper column with true/false, and then paste the following code into the worksheet module:

    PHP Code: 
    Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
    Dim lr&, i&, j&, arr(), item As String
    ReDim arr
    (1 To lr 11 To 2)
    2 To lr
    If Not Rows(i).Hidden Then
    1arr(k1) = i
    If Cells(i"D") <> item Then arr(k2) = True
    For 1 To k
        With Cells
    (arr(i1), "A").Resize(16)
    Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle IIf(arr(i2), xlContinuousxlDot)
    Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle xlDot
    .Borders(xlEdgeTop).ColorIndex IIf(arr(i2), 31)
    Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex 1
    .Borders.Weight xlThin
        End With
    End Sub 
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    Quang PT

  3. #3
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

    Hi bebo021999,

    This is very high level for me and I can't adjust the vba code to work on my actual file .
    Attached is the similar form as the original - the file has a lot of formulas, so the calculation even is fine.

    Can you please help me to adjust the VBA to trigger an event whenever the autofilter changes and update the border style and color to differentiate the items in column H.
    Also, I have noticed when the table is filtered / autofilter, the red borderline (the one that is dividing the product) is not visible between the hidden files, can you please look on that as well, because want always they to be divided whenever is auto filtered.

    I appreciate your help and work a lot.

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  4. #4
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

    Try again. Does it work?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

    Hi bebo021999,

    The code fit good on my original file, but still is not working properly.
    When the filter is not applied works all good, but when is the filter is applied is not.

    Here is example of non-filtered (the red solid border line is dividing the rows when the 'Item code' column is different and black dashed border line when the 'Item code' column is same):
    Screenshot 2023-07-13 111603.png
    Here is example of filtered (the red solid line and black dashed border line are randomly applied + here are a lot of solid black border line as well):
    Screenshot 2023-07-13 111453.png
    Can this be fixed?


  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

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  7. #7
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    Re: Function / VBA to avoid manually hidden cells (rows) for conditional formatting

    Hi AliGW,

    I truly understand the frustration, please accept my apology!
    I have posted new thread, this time properly and my intention is to look for more experts to solve my issue on my spreadsheet.


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