Hi excel forum -
I'm not very good at VBA (disclaimer), so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I currently have code that does the following:
  • Saves the print range as a PDF.
    Places customer's name (G8) in the saved file name.
    Places the current time in the saved file name.
    Places the date (G3) in the saved file name.
    Saves the file to a designated folder.

My new goal:
Keep everything I already have, but REMOVE the designated "saved to" folder ("Path" in my code below). Instead, let the user choose where they would like to save the PDF.

Sub SaveAsPDF()
CustomerName = Range("g8")
InvoiceDate = Format(Range("g3"), "Mmm dd yyyy")
sDateTimeFormat = "HH.MM AM/PM"
sFileName = sFileName & VBA.Format(VBA.Now, sDateTimeFormat) & sFil
Path = "C:\Users\Dropbox\Consulting\Invoices\"
fname = "INVOICE" & "__" & CustomerName & "__" & InvoiceDate & " @ " & sFileName
MsgBox "Kevin: the INVOICE has been saved as a PDF to your designated folder"
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, ignoreprintareas:=False, Filename:=Path & fname
End Sub
Thank you!