This is what I want:
Toggle Button on top of cell G440
Non-depressed button label is "Not Included" and cell content = "N" (This cell value is used in a formula)
When depressed, button label changes to "Included" and cell content = "Y" (This cell value is used in a formula)

I clicked the toggle button in the Active X area and inserted it over cell 440

In Design mode, I selected the toggle button and right clicked and selected the View Code and entered this code:

If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
'G440 = "Yes"
End If

Selected 'Run' Sub/user form and closed the code box
When I selected the toggle button, it showed as depressed, but here was no change in cell 440

1. What code should I use?

2. how do I get the toggle button show a different label when depressed?