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Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform

  1. #1
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    Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform

    I have a userform where the user adds details of a document transfer (who the docs are going to, the date etc). The user selects the document title from a combobox, which is a list of all of the documents in the document register. Some other corresponding "disabled" textboxes fill with the various attributes of the selected document, based on the data in the register. This is all good so far...

    The thing I need to also consider is that the user might want to send multiple (up to 20) documents (each with their own set of attributes) per transfer. I'm achieving this by adding 20 instances of the document title combobox and the associated textboxes. All of the doc title comboboxes are named "Title1" through to "Title20". Same naming scheme for the attribute text boxes. On userform_initialise, 19 sets of boxes are hidden (visible=false) with a simple loop.

    There is a button on the form to add another doc. Clicking it simply unhides the next set of boxes, so the user can populate. This is the best method to display a variable amount of boxes, that I could come up with.

    Assistance needed:
    I need all 20 of my document title comboboxes to have a _change event, which will be almost identical: get the list.index of changed combobox and use that number to refer to the corresponding attribute in the doc register and bring that data into the form.
    My question is: is there a way to make a sub that triggers when ANY combobox changes? If so, can I do that in a way that can get the name of the changed combobox, so I can get the number of it, to define which attribute boxes will update?

    Just trying to avoid having 20 virtually identical _change events on the userform. They would all use the same public variables though, so not really a memory concern (if that would even be an issue).

    Is there a completely different/better way of achieving this that I haven't thought of?

    Thanks in advance.

    Note- before anyone asks, I know it's not really conducive to getting the best assistance possible, but I'm not in a position to be able to upload a copy of the document due to restrictions on my organisation's network. Sorry!

  2. #2
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    Re: Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform

    Try using a class event hander.

    Create a Class Module called clsCombos and add the following code.

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    In your userform
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByteMarks View Post
    Try using a class event hander.

    Create a Class Module called clsCombos and add the following code.

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    In your userform
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    I really appreciate this. I had an inkling I could do this with class modules, but I haven't used them before and was a bit apprehensive. I think what you've shown me here makes great sense so I'll give it a go and come back. Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Re: Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform


    This worked exactly as advertised, thank you. This passes the ComboBox details into the Class Module for use as required. The next step of what I needed to do was use the changed clsCombos.ListIndex to update some other TextBoxes in the UserForm.
    With my simple brain, I tried to do something like:
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    This worked (UserForm.TextBox1 updated with the expected data) when I manually initialized the UserForm from within VBA. It DID NOT work when I ran it via the button on the spreadsheet that initializes a new UserForm and displays it (with .show). What seemed to happen was that when the Userform.Controls("TextBox1").text = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A:" 2 + clsCombos.ListIndex).value line would run in the Class Module, it would run the initialize script on the UserForm again. Is this expected behaviour? The only difference I can see is the addition of the .show step. Why does that re-initialize the form when I try? Can I do anything about that?

    The Googling I've done makes me think another solution is something to do with setting up a Property in the Class Module which can then be "Got" by the UserForm. Am I on the right track? Could you please explain how this works, or give me an example of the code I would need?

  5. #5
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    Re: Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform

    Or a bit shorter:

    This in the class

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    This in the userform initialize

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  6. #6
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    Re: Event for when ANY combobox changes in a userform

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A:" 2 + clsCombos.ListIndex).value
    Is that a valid range?

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