
i would please need help with a macro i want to make.

I have 6 Active X Checkbox that i want, when checked to hide certain cell rows. These checkbox respond TRUE / False on DATA page Cells H2-H7

For example;

Those checkboxes are located at ROW 1
Checkbox1955 = hide rows 461:511Assurance Agricole - Proposition V10.xlsxAssurance Agricole - Proposition V10.xlsx
Checkbox1951 = hide rows 512:562
Checkbox1954= hide rows 563:613
Checkbox1953= Hide rows 614:664
Checkbox1952 = Hide rows 665:714
Checkbox1950= Hide rows 716:765

The goal is to hide those cells so when we want to print the document into a PDF format those (pages) no longer appear.

BUT i would also need to have the other Active X checkboxes that are located within those cells to be hidden, cause as i try to hide a row, i see the checkboxes just appear on top.

thank you for any help you can provide