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Split values into columns with setting specific nr. of rows per column

  1. #1
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    Split values into columns with setting specific nr. of rows per column


    I got a new laptop at work and forgot to save my macros from "personal" in the old one before it was gone. I could recreate all but one that was not mine, I found it somewhere online and cannot find it again for the love of me.

    Basically it was a macro to split data from one cell into multiple columns, but it had 2 popups - first asked about the starting cell for the split data to start in and second asked for number of rows per column. So you would run the macro, a popup nr. 1 would ask you to select the cell for the split data to be pasted (starting point) and then popup nr. 2 came up with a text field for you to write how many rows per column you want.

    E.g. you have 100 values separated by comma in cell A1.

    First popup - you select cell B1.
    Second popup - you write "20"
    Result - the 100 values will be split in 5 columns, 20 rows per column (meaning in range B1:F20).

    If you would write "30" in the second popup, the values will be in 4 columns, 30 rows per column (4th column obviously with only 10 remaining values).

    I made an example, see attached.

    I tried to look for it online, because I don't remember anymore where I had it from and I seem to be unable to find it again. Can someone please help?

    Thanks a lot!
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    Was forced to live on this planet, wanna leave!

  2. #2
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    Re: Split values into columns with setting specific nr. of rows per column

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  3. #3
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    Re: Split values into columns with setting specific nr. of rows per column

    OMG Thank you! You´re the best! ❤

  4. #4
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    Re: Split values into columns with setting specific nr. of rows per column

    Glad to have helped and thank you for the rep.

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