We utilize a good number of field links in our reports written in Word .docm files that link to named ranges in an Excel file. Whenever we update these links, Excel becomes sluggish and non-responsive especially when running VBA code. I did somewhat a patch which turns off any worksheet events when the sheet detects its slow and prompts the user to restart Excel (restarts fix the issue) however it would be nice to be able to disable/terminate whatever is hanging after the link updates and keep Excel running quickly.

The following is an example of the field link code.

{LINK Excel.SheetMacroEnabled.12 "F:\\Shared\\2013\\13148\\2024\\Microsoft\\Workbook.xlsm" "Fun Plan!R_cont" \t \* MERGEFORMAT}

We used to use the \a parameter for automatic updates which I have removed from all links and that has helped significantly but we still have hangups. We have also disabled the option for Word to automatically update links upon open.