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Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

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    Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet


    I have a workbook with multiple worksheets, and on one of them (the "Summary" worksheet) I'm trying to sum all the data within a dynamic range of a column on another spreadsheet. I know I can use Excel's SUM formula, but I would like to automate this with a macro that will automatically run the summation for me as i have multiple different sum values I'm trying to organize and analyze.

    I've attached a sample workbook and some screen shots here to illustrate what I'm trying to achieve.

    Screenshot 003239.png
    Screenshot 003357.png
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  2. #2
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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Renamed data sheets as Data1, Data2 purely for illustration so just change to first/last sheet names (must be consecutive)

    And ensure descriptions in column A match your headers
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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 10-14-2024 at 06:03 AM.
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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    IF you use same title name, OFFSET or INDIRECT function could help.
    (I modified title text in SourceData for matching)
    SUBSTITUTE function is used for matching titles, and if B3 cell has Source_Sheet_Name,
    try this formula.
    B4 =SUM(OFFSET(INDIRECT("'"&$B$3&"'!$A$1"),0, MATCH(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($A4,"Total ",""),":",""),INDIRECT("'"&$B$3&"'!$A$1:$Z$1"),0)-1, COUNTA(INDIRECT("'"&$B$3&"'!$A:$A"))) )

    If you must need VBA code, please let me know.

    스크린샷 2024-10-14 172155.png
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    Last edited by mojirhi; 10-14-2024 at 04:23 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Thank you for this information. Is there a way to translate this into a VBA code to automate this?

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    What "automation" is required ? as the formulae will retrieve the results automatically - no change required other than to make the range your likely maximum.

    One time set-up.
    Last edited by JohnTopley; 10-14-2024 at 12:10 PM.

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    The automation is the formula embedded in the VBA code that will perform other automation tasks with a macro as well.

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Attached code simply applies the formula given earlier. There are 2 sheets(First/Last) which are a prefix/suffix to your data sheets

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    Last edited by JohnTopley; 10-14-2024 at 01:15 PM.

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Thank you for this code, but "$A$1:$T$1000" is not a dynamic range as the range size of the data can vary. How do I make this part dynamic to adjust accordingly to the range size of the data?

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    If the data range varies from sheet to sheet then you need to process each sheet individually ( a loop of some kind) or simply make the range the likely maximum if you want a simple formula as provided.

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Yup, exactly why I need a macro to do the job! Thank you for the feedback though.

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    If you change "Total Expenses" in SourceData sheet to "Expenses" and "Mileage Activity Totals" to "Mileage Activity" so that your consistent with the entries in Summary sheet.
    The text in Column A in Summary Sheet should match the text you're comparing in Row1 in SourceData Sheet with Total and a space ("Total ")in front of it and the ":" following it.
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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Building on Jolivanes' code: assumes all sheets EXCEPT "Summary" are to be processed ..

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Thank you Jolivanes and JohnTopley for these codes! I do want to understand a bit better on the rationale behind these codes, so may I ask the following:

    1) What is "ReDim" and its purposes here in this code?
    2) I see the first FOR loop ("For i = 1 To WS_Count") and I'm assuming this loop is to loop through all the worksheets within the workbook, correct?
    3) Why is "n = 0" within the first FOR loop?
    4) Why is "n = n+1" in the second FOR loop?
    5) I have a basic understanding of Resize, which is used to change the size of a range, but what is its purpose here?

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    Re: Sum Data From a Dynamic Range of A Column On Another Worksheet

    Commented the code ...

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