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VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

  1. #1
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    VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    Hello, I have the following code that runs from within Excel to copy and paste a table in to Word between 2 bookmarks. I have to do this from Excel to Word as the company security protocols block running VBA in Word files.

    As the code stands it works and I'm sure there are ways in which is can be improved but the issue I have is that it doesn't work for everyone and in theory we all have the same build of corporate laptops. I'm at a loss as to what might be causing the issue. At first some did not have the "Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library" enable in Excel and this fixed 1 or 2, but some are still getting;

    Run time error 4068 - Value out of Range

    If debug is clicked it highlights the following line

    wdDoc.Range(rngStart.End + 2, rngEnd.Start - 2).Delete

    Now I've watch someone do this and I know they are using the right Word file with the bookmarks in, so very confused.

    Many thanks for any tips or guidance as to where to look next, as I still think it a PC issue, due to the code working on other PC's

    The full code

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    Last edited by AliGW; 11-04-2024 at 04:12 AM. Reason: Code tags added - please review the forum guidelines.

  2. #2
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    AI says:

    The "Run time error 4068 - Value out of Range" in VBA for Word can be caused by several factors. Here are a few possible reasons:

    1. Invalid index values: If the values rngStart.End + 2 or rngEnd.Start - 2 exceed the document’s range, this can cause the error. Ensure these values are within the document’s bounds.
    2. Bookmarks out of range: If the bookmarks rngStart and rngEnd are set such that their end positions are outside the document’s range, this can also lead to the error. Check that the bookmarks are correctly positioned.
    3. Overlapping ranges: If rngStart.End + 2 is greater than rngEnd.Start - 2, the range to be deleted will be invalid. Make sure the ranges do not overlap in a way that causes a negative length.
    4. Empty bookmarks: If the bookmarks rngStart or rngEnd are empty (contain no text), operations on their end positions might be invalid.


  3. #3
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word


    Many thank for coming back to me on this. I will check the above, but also know the user having issue are working with the same file as me, as I've passed it to them via email and watched them save them and then open then on their own PC's. But I haven't actually check the word document on their PC's to make sure nothing is being changed or removed.


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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word


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  5. #5
    Forum Expert macropod's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    Instead of bookmarking two ranges and trying to past a table between them, you should simply bookmark the range you want to paste the table into.

    The following code assumes you want to paste the Excel table into a bookmarked Word range named "RAID":
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    Paul Edstein
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  6. #6
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    Hi Paul,

    Thats for the alternative option, I will take a look at that. Although, the reason I have it pasting between 2 bookmarks is that I want them to still be available after the paste, as there might be reason to run the macro again after updates to the RAID. Just wondering if a single bookmark will remain after the paste?

    But will give it a go.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert macropod's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    Quote Originally Posted by richard.venn View Post
    the reason I have it pasting between 2 bookmarks is that I want them to still be available after the paste, as there might be reason to run the macro again after updates to the RAID. Just wondering if a single bookmark will remain after the paste?
    If you look at the code (or even just the document after running it), you will see that the bookmark is still there after the code finishes.

  8. #8
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word


    Thanks for the confirmation, I will certainly give that a try, when back in the office this week.

  9. #9
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    Re: VBA to Push Excel Table to Word

    Hi Paul,

    Apologies for the delay, but again thanks for this, makes things a little better to work with.


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