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Test if contents in one cell exist inside a different multiline cell

  1. #1
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    Test if contents in one cell exist inside a different multiline cell

    Hello all, I am a mechanical engineering intern doing stuff in excel so forgive me if this is super simple. I have a file with about 2K lines of code to do various things like compare files, highlight differences, check for similarities etc.

    I am running into an issue with an expansion of functionality that is being requested. In the original files each cell only had 1 string of data in each cell so my comparison tool essentially did

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    I am now being given a file with multi lines of text. I have attached an example folder but the gist of what I need is this.
    I have a set of data and on a different sheet a dependent drop down filter. The user selects the data to filter through and the filer program goes through each line in the appropriate column on the data sheet and brings it over to the filter sheet. I have code for everything except how to get the filter to look through each line in the multiline cell as a separate line
    if someone has an idea for code that would be similar to
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    I have no idea in this pseudo-code how to get the variables linecount or actual_data. If anyone knows how to get those two variables I would appreciate it greatly and believe I can figure the rest of it out from there.

    Example file of what I intend to make the final result resemble is here Drop Down Test.xlsm
    Last edited by MDLovitt; 10-31-2024 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Mumps1's Avatar
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    Re: Test if contents in one cell exist inside a different multiline cell

    I'm not sure if I understood correctly but try the following:
    Copy and paste this macro into the worksheet code module. Do the following: right click the tab name for your "Filter" sheet and click 'View Code'. Paste the macro into the empty code window that opens up. Close the code window to return to your sheet. Make a selection in cell A4.
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    Practice makes perfect. I'm very far from perfect so I'm still practising.

  3. #3
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    Re: Test if contents in one cell exist inside a different multiline cell

    That works really well actually. I ended up realizing that I didnt need to search each line of a multiline cell I could just use
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    to accomplish what I needed but your solution is really elegant. Thank you for taking the time to show it to me.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Mumps1's Avatar
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    Re: Test if contents in one cell exist inside a different multiline cell

    You are very welcome.

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