How to complete this sub line to include datInitDate.

Private Sub datInitDate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Dt, Dt2 As Date

I want to pass the value datInitDate--it is coming up as "" (empty) in the
2nd sub below. Also, the Format method is defined as setting values as String
types; the XLS spreadsheet allows me to format cells as date (dd-MMM-yyyy)
but I'm not succeeding in doing this with VBA in the form's code.

When F8-ing thru the code, I'm getting values in the Dim statement (on mouse
over) showing Dt as empty and results of Dt2 as 12:00:00 AM. And very strange
offset dates. If I include dtInitDate in the dim statment, it is empty, too.
Why is Dt showing up as empty in the Dim, but Dt2 has a time value?

Here's the code for the two subroutines:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ' Initialize the form (prefill certain
Dim datInitDate As Date
Dim datComplDate As Date

datInitDate = Date$
datComplDate = DateAdd("d", 90, datInitDate)
txtRequestor.Value = Environ("username") 'autofills with user's login ID

End Sub

' Check the value of the Initialization Date and calculate ComplDate 90 days
Private Sub datInitDate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Dt, Dt2 As Date
On Error Resume Next
Dt = datInitDate
If Dt > DateSerial(1950, 1, 1) Then
datInitDate = Format$(Dt, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Dt2 = DateAdd("m", 3, datInitDate)
datComplDate = Format$(Dt2, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
datInitDate = InputBox("Please use a valid format for date this
corrective action was reported (fmm-dd-yyyy).")
End If
End Sub

Also, the Format statement sets variables as STRING values.

This is all for a form. Inside the spreadsheet, I can call the format as
10-Jan-2005, but even setting the custom format for Dt and Dt2 as dd-mmm-yyy,
I still get 01/10/2005