
I want to create a macro that can find a specific date within a column.

i have set up the follwing macro:

Sub Debut()

answer = MsgBox("Do you want to check for inspection?", vbYesNo)
If answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
InputBox ("Enter your date (DD/MM/YY)")
With Worksheets(1).Range("a2:a9999")
Set c = .Find((myvalue), LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("No record found")
If yes Then Destination = ActiveCell

End With
End Sub

But this macros do not work . I would like:

*the rows with the same date a&s my input date to be highlighted

Are you able to help me or do you have any ideas how to do it? Because i am a bit

Thanks a lot