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Determining Toolbar Ownership?

  1. #1
    Don Wiss

    Determining Toolbar Ownership?

    My application has a CommandBar. The buttons call macros that then call
    another macro in the active workbook. This as multiple workbooks could be
    open, and I want the single toolbar to work with whichever is active. When
    a workbook is closed, it loops and activates all the other open workbooks,
    and if it finds another of its type it does not delete the CommandBar. But
    this causes a problem. The CommandBar that is visible could belong to a now
    closed workbook. So clicking a button tries to open the workbook so it can
    call the first level macro. What I need to determine when a workbook is
    closed is whether the toolbar belongs to it. And if so, it has to close the
    toolbar and another still open workbook has to recreate it. Or is there
    some simpler way that I'm not seeing?

    Don <donwiss at panix.com>.

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Determining Toolbar Ownership?


    Could you not put those macros and the toolbar in an add-in, or in



    Bob Phillips
    "Don Wiss" <donwiss@no_spam.com> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > My application has a CommandBar. The buttons call macros that then call
    > another macro in the active workbook. This as multiple workbooks could be
    > open, and I want the single toolbar to work with whichever is active. When
    > a workbook is closed, it loops and activates all the other open workbooks,
    > and if it finds another of its type it does not delete the CommandBar. But
    > this causes a problem. The CommandBar that is visible could belong to a

    > closed workbook. So clicking a button tries to open the workbook so it can
    > call the first level macro. What I need to determine when a workbook is
    > closed is whether the toolbar belongs to it. And if so, it has to close

    > toolbar and another still open workbook has to recreate it. Or is there
    > some simpler way that I'm not seeing?
    > Don <donwiss at panix.com>.

  3. #3
    Don Wiss

    Re: Determining Toolbar Ownership?

    On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Bob Phillips <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Could you not put those macros and the toolbar in an add-in, or in

    Sounds like the solution. I have been planning to put all the user forms
    and macros into an add-in. But not until the end of the development
    project. I guess I won't be able to wait until then.

    Thanks, Don <donwiss at panix.com>.

  4. #4
    Don Wiss

    Re: Determining Toolbar Ownership?

    On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Bob Phillips <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Could you not put those macros and the toolbar in an add-in, or in

    I got around to implementing it. All works fine. I ended up not putting
    anything else in the add-in. I was going to put some functions in, but I
    wasn't planning to register the add-in, and with all the hassles of cross
    calling, I didn't.

    I used this to see whether the add-in already exists:

    Function DoesProjectExist(AddInName As String) As Boolean
    ' addin name is case sensitive. is project name, not file name
    Dim W As Object
    DoesProjectExist = False
    For Each W In Application.VBE.VBProjects
    If W.Name = AddInName Then DoesProjectExist = True
    End Function

    If upon opening the workbook the add-in doesn't exist I simple open it.

    Upon closing this macro in the add-in is called:

    Sub DeleteToolBar()
    ' we don't delete the toolbar if another Rating Tool is already open
    ' Auto_Close of each rating tool calls this.
    ' this also closes this add-in

    Dim wb As Workbook, ActiveName As String

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ActiveName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

    For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
    If wb.Name <> ActiveName Then
    If IsWorksheetOpen("HiddenSheet") Then Exit Sub
    End If
    Next wb

    On Error Resume Next
    ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

    End Sub

    Function IsWorksheetOpen(worksheetname As String) As Boolean
    ' function tests for worksheet by that name exists

    Dim shName As Worksheet

    IsWorksheetOpen = False
    For Each shName In Application.Worksheets
    If shName.Name = worksheetname Then
    IsWorksheetOpen = True
    End If
    Next shName

    End Function

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