Hi all,

I have a WB containing 10 WSs.
A block of 5 WSs have the same format as well the remaining 5 WSs also have
the same format. So, basically two formats, 5 + 5.
They are all protected with psw.

The problem I have is to create a macro which automatically set the following:

1) Print Area (A1:AD47) for 5 WSs and (A1:AD53) for the other 5 WSs
2) Fit to 1 Page
3) Centre Horizontally and Vertically

Is is possible to create one macro that the user can click before printing
the 10 WSs? I could link it to a button (called for instance, Print Set Up)
and ask the users to cick the button accordingly.

Or maybe is possible to incorporate the VBA code in the "Workbook Open" part?
I have already other codes in the Workbook Open part, I probably could just
add it after the Unprotect code...

Thank you for your help.
