After all these years of using Excel, decided that I finally need a
solution to this bit of annoyance <g>, although most of the time after
hitting Enter, I need the cursor to move to the right (esp. when
entering text), I find that too many times, I come across jobs where I
need the cursor to move down after hitting Enter. Anyone who really
works with inputting data in Excel, knows exactly what I mean.

I've done the manual workaround each time to get around this, I'll
manually change the movement via the Options.

Was hoping for a button that acts like a toggle. When raised, the
movement goes to the right; when depressed, the movement will be down.

I can picture the icon to draw, too.

But is there VB coding to do the actual changing? or perhaps there is
an option in the commands for a toolbar option that already exists to
do this (?).

Thanks. Any help appreciated.