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function for finding position of numeric character in a string

  1. #1

    function for finding position of numeric character in a string


    Can anyone help with worksheet function for finding position of numeric
    character in a string.

    I am trying to extract data into the form 12a345 from data that may be like
    any below:


    Extracting the first bit is easy with LEFT() but to extract the 345 I need
    to find it's position in the string then I can use MID().



  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: function for finding position of numeric character in a string

    Pop this code into your Personal workbook. It is a public function so you
    will be able to access via =PERSONAL.XLS!FirstNumber(C5). It finds the firs
    number in a string.


    "Paul" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Can anyone help with worksheet function for finding position of numeric
    > character in a string.
    > I am trying to extract data into the form 12a345 from data that may be like
    > any below:
    > 12a345
    > 12a345c
    > 12a345_c
    > 12ab345
    > 12ab345c
    > 12ab345_c
    > Extracting the first bit is easy with LEFT() but to extract the 345 I need
    > to find it's position in the string then I can use MID().
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Paul.

  3. #3

    RE: function for finding position of numeric character in a string

    Hi Paul,
    This will find out what type of character is in each position. The problem
    is that there is multiple "alpha" and multiple "numeric" positions in the
    strings you have. I assumed the data was in column 1 and put a formula in B1
    to find the character types and then put the results in an array. You can
    querry the array for each type. I did not make an attempt to step down the
    worksheet, but I don't think that is a substantial problem here. Somehow
    IDing the first and last characters of each group of types is the real
    problem. I am not even certain at this point exactly what you want extracted,
    just the numeric portion of the code? If there is a consistant number of
    "numerics" in a row, then I think it is possible to ID the beginning of each
    group of numerics and this may come close to what you want.

    Sub FindNum()
    Dim z() As Variant
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEN(RC[-1])"
    TheLength = ActiveCell.Value
    ReDim z(TheLength)
    Ct1 = 0
    CtEr = 0
    For Position = 1 To TheLength
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VALUE(MID(RC[-1]," & (Words) & ",1))"
    y = TypeName(ActiveCell.Value)
    If y = "Error" Then
    z(Words) = "Alpha"
    z(Words) = "Numeric"
    End If
    Next Position
    End Sub

    "Paul" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Can anyone help with worksheet function for finding position of numeric
    > character in a string.
    > I am trying to extract data into the form 12a345 from data that may be like
    > any below:
    > 12a345
    > 12a345c
    > 12a345_c
    > 12ab345
    > 12ab345c
    > 12ab345_c
    > Extracting the first bit is easy with LEFT() but to extract the 345 I need
    > to find it's position in the string then I can use MID().
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Paul.

  4. #4

    RE: function for finding position of numeric character in a string

    Try this for the second group of numerics. Sorry for the first post, changed
    some of the code, posed, but had not tested it.

    Sub FindNum()
    Dim z() As Variant
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEN(RC[-1])"
    TheLength = ActiveCell.Value
    ReDim z(TheLength)
    CtEr = 0
    For Position = 1 To TheLength
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VALUE(MID(RC[-1]," & (Position) & ",1))"
    y = TypeName(ActiveCell.Value)
    If y = "Error" Then
    z(Position) = "Alpha"
    z(Position) = "Numeric"
    Ct1 = Ct1 + 1
    If Ct1 = 3 Then SecondNumeric = Position
    End If
    Next Position
    NumberToPull = Ct1 - 2
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VALUE(MID(RC[-1]," & (Ct1) & "," &
    (NumberToPull) & "))"
    End Sub

    "Paul" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Can anyone help with worksheet function for finding position of numeric
    > character in a string.
    > I am trying to extract data into the form 12a345 from data that may be like
    > any below:
    > 12a345
    > 12a345c
    > 12a345_c
    > 12ab345
    > 12ab345c
    > 12ab345_c
    > Extracting the first bit is easy with LEFT() but to extract the 345 I need
    > to find it's position in the string then I can use MID().
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Paul.

  5. #5

    RE: function for finding position of numeric character in a string

    Try the following code adjusting the location (B2:B10) where your target
    cells are as well as the destination should go:

    Sub GetSting()
    Dim strLeft As String
    Dim strMid As String
    Dim strRt As String

    Dim oCell As Range
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer

    Set Rng = Range("B4:B10")
    j = 4
    For Each oCell In Rng
    strLeft = Left(oCell, 2)
    strMid = Mid(oCell, 3, 1)
    For i = 1 To Len(oCell) - 3
    If IsNumeric(Mid(oCell, j, 1)) Then
    strRt = Mid(oCell, j, 3)
    oCell.Offset(0, 1) = strLeft & strMid & strRt
    GoTo NextCell
    j = j + 1
    End If
    Next i

    Next oCell

    End Sub

    "Paul" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Can anyone help with worksheet function for finding position of numeric
    > character in a string.
    > I am trying to extract data into the form 12a345 from data that may be like
    > any below:
    > 12a345
    > 12a345c
    > 12a345_c
    > 12ab345
    > 12ab345c
    > 12ab345_c
    > Extracting the first bit is easy with LEFT() but to extract the 345 I need
    > to find it's position in the string then I can use MID().
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Paul.

  6. #6

    Re: function for finding position of numeric character in a string

    Thanks to all.

    I will try it ASAP.

  7. #7
    Forum Guru
    Join Date
    Tokyo, Japan
    MS-Off Ver
    2013 O.365
    How about UDF?
    paste the code onto standatd module
    use: if data in cell A1 then
    in any cell

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    hope this helps
    Last edited by jindon; 02-05-2005 at 10:59 PM.

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