Can't figure this one out....can any of you experts help me please..

Here is a macro I'm using to match values etc in 2 sheets. For that it works great. However, I now need to match values in 2 rows on 2 sheets. I've tried changing the line "set myrange" to the 2 rows (B2:C200) but I keep getting wierd results....any ideas

Example of what I trying to do:

I have a rider lets say Bill

He rides 2 horses "A" and "B"

What i'm copy over is the times from a run. I need the time for Bill on "A" and the time for Bill on"B". Right now I get the Bill and "A" times only and on both horses.

Thanks in advance!


Sub PayoutResults()
Dim myRange As Range, c As Range, rWS As Worksheet
Dim searchRange As Range, matchCell As Range, pWS As Worksheet

Set pWS = Sheets("payout")
Set myRange = pWS.Range("B2:B200")
Set rWS = Sheets("results")
Set searchRange = rWS.Cells

For Each c In myRange.Cells
myVal = c.Value
Set matchCell = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set matchCell = searchRange.Find(What:=myVal)
If Not matchCell Is Nothing Then
matchRow = matchCell.Row
matchCol = matchCell.Column
myRow = c.Row
myCol = c.Column
pWS.Cells(myRow, myCol + 1) = rWS.Cells(matchRow, matchCol + 2)
End If
Next c

End Sub