i tried all day long finding my solution........ (on the web that is)
found out that no1 knows what 2 do r wont help me hehe, so i tried out on me own , tried bout 30 min and came with "an solution" at least i thought, was going 2 the good direction though....

ow well
i`ve found it, and since alot of peepz have read my posts im placing my awnser right here

the goal outta this piece a text is how 2 look inside an table this is only a small piece but infact it can grow 2 large ammounts, and sow you can fill in 2 values compare and then select item from an "Table" r cells inside your sheet.

any comment is welcome.

grtz willie64

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim row As String
Dim column As String
Dim together As String

If Me.Range("A1") = 1 Then
column = "B"
End If

If Me.Range("A2") = 1 Then
row = "1"
End If

together = column + row

Me.Range("A3") = Me.Range(together)

End Sub