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Web Query

  1. #1

    Web Query

    Is it possible in VBA to check a cell range and test to
    see if it is the desigated cell for a web query. That is
    I want to be able to identify which cell the web query
    pastes to.


  2. #2
    Don Guillett

    Re: Web Query

    If you need for your refresh macro,why not just use


    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    [email protected]
    "ExcelMonkey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is it possible in VBA to check a cell range and test to
    > see if it is the desigated cell for a web query. That is
    > I want to be able to identify which cell the web query
    > pastes to.
    > Thanks

  3. #3
    K Dales

    RE: Web Query

    If there is a web query, the results will be in a QueryTable on the sheet;
    and the QueryTable.QueryType will be xlWebQuery - so, for example:

    Dim QT as QueryTable
    For Each QT in ActiveSheet.QueryTables
    If Not(Intesect(RangeToCheck,QT.ResultRange) Is Nothing) And _
    QT.QueryType = xlWebQuery Then MsgBox QT. Name & ": " & QT.Connection
    Next QT

    "ExcelMonkey" wrote:

    > Is it possible in VBA to check a cell range and test to
    > see if it is the desigated cell for a web query. That is
    > I want to be able to identify which cell the web query
    > pastes to.
    > Thanks

  4. #4
    Jake Marx

    Re: Web Query

    Hi ExcelMonkey,

    ExcelMonkey wrote:
    > Is it possible in VBA to check a cell range and test to
    > see if it is the desigated cell for a web query. That is
    > I want to be able to identify which cell the web query
    > pastes to.

    Each worksheet contains a QueryTables collection. Code like this will give
    you the destination range address of a particular QueryTable:

    Debug.Print Sheet1.QueryTables(1).Destination.Address

    QueryTables can either be web or database driven. If it's a web query, the
    following statement should evaluate to True:

    Sheet1.QueryTables(1).Connection Like "URL;*"


    Jake Marx
    MS MVP - Excel

    [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

  5. #5
    Jake Marx

    Re: Web Query

    Jake Marx wrote:
    > QueryTables can either be web or database driven. If it's a web
    > query, the following statement should evaluate to True:
    > Sheet1.QueryTables(1).Connection Like "URL;*"

    Please look at K Dales' post for a better way to do this (QueryType


    Jake Marx
    MS MVP - Excel

    [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

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