Hi All,
I'm working in Excel 2000, and am looking for a way to automatically change a number so it's result is equal to zero. The bes way is for an iterative process, but I don't have an obvious iteraive formula, so i want a program that depending on the last result adds or takes away an incremental number, and then restarts. On top of this to speed things up, I want the increment to decrease as the program count increases. So the closer to zero the answer gets the smaller my increment is. Is there an obvious preset way of doing this at all? Or is there anone with enough time on their hands to write something quick?

I so far have:

For count = 1 To 20

If Sheets("valuation").Cells(247, 8).Value > 0 Then Sheets("valuation").Cells(243, 8).Value = Sheets("valuation").Cells(243, 8).Value + (0.001 * (1 / count))
If Sheets("valuation").Cells(247, 8).Value < 0 Then Sheets("valuation").Cells(243, 8).Value = Sheets("valuation").Cells(243, 8).Value - (0.001 * (1 / count))

Next count

End Sub

But for this to be effective you have to have the count at a huge number. I'd like the count kept to 20 at most.

Thanks in advance for your help!
