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Multiple Conditions in an IF statement

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Multiple Conditions in an IF statement

    Hi All

    This is a simple query I'm sure, but I'm new to VBA and can't get the syntax right.

    I'm trying to construct an IF statement which involves multiple OR conditions along the lines of:

    If CheckBox1 = true
    CheckBox2 = true
    CheckBox3 = true Then
    var_name = 1
    var_name = 2

    Could someone put me out of my misery please?

    Thank You


  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    That looks like a worksheet formula.

    I'm looking for some VBA behind a form.

    Sorry if I didn't make it clear



  4. #4
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    Select Case CheckBox1+CheckBox2+CheckBox3

    Case True

    Case False

    End Select

    But I'm not sure what you want to accomplish.
    Also, you may have to qualify the Checkbox name with the WorksheetName e.g.
    WorkSheets("Sheet1").Checkbox1 or ActiveSheet.Checkbox1

  5. #5
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    I appreciate your help, but I haven't mentioned worksheets. This is a vba userform problem.

    This is what I'm trying to achieve. The logic is pretty simple, but I'm having trouble translating this logic into code.

    I have 5 checkboxes on a form. Let's call them CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5. These checkboxes turn on and off tabpages. Let's call them TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5. When CB1 is checked, TP1 appears.When it's unchecked, TP1 disappears. This is no problem.

    The complexity is that when any one of the CBs is checked, in addition to their TP appearing, another tab page has to appear. Let's call it TP_Any.

    So if any CBs are checked, then their corresponding TPs are visible plus tabpage TP_Any. There is only one instance of TP_Any. It will appear if any one or more CB is checked, and will disappear only if all CBs are unchecked.

    I can get it to work so that checking one CB makes its TP and TP_Any appear. And if that CB is uchecked, both tabpages disappear. But if two CBs are checked, and one is then unchecked, I need the TP_Any to remain as there is still a CB checked.

    So the question is: what is the simplest way of creating this code without duplicating multiple conditions for each CB_change event?

    I've tried the Case statement, but it doesn't work. Why are there + signs? I thought these denoted only addition or text concatenation in variants. That threw me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  6. #6
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    If I understand correctly, any combination of the 5 switches is possible, including multiple checkboxes on similtaneously. If that's the case then I'm afraid the brute force attack, considering all possible combinations is probably the "cleanest" approach to the problem.

    I suggest you to attach a binary value (1,2,4,8 and 16) to each of the checkboxes.
    Then you define a Status Variable, within the scope of the Userform that contains the checkboxes.
    Within the Checkbox_change event, increase that variable with the corresponding amount when the box turns on, decrease it when it turns off. Then Call an internal procedure that does the hiding/unhiding of the worksheets.

    One snag: You cannot hide ALL worksheets within a workbook. So you will have to provide a "guard" worksheet or you'll have to make un exception to your rules.

    Sample code for three checkboxes attached: Boxes are called c1,c2 and c3; worksheets are called s1,s2 and s3 (and of course: any)

    Private intStatus As Integer

    Private Sub C_Action(intStatus As Integer)

    'If any box is on, then show "Any"-Sheet
    Select Case c1 + c2 + c3
    Case True
    Worksheets("any").Visible = True
    Case False
    Worksheets("any").Visible = False
    End Select

    Select Case intStatus
    Case 0 ' all off, see above
    '*** At least one worksheet in the workbook
    '*** must remain visible
    Case 1 ' c1 on, other off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = False
    Case 2 ' c2 on, others off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = False
    Case 3 ' both c1 & c2 on, other off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = False
    Case 4 ' c3 on, others off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = True
    Case 5 ' c3 & c1 on , c2 off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = True
    Case 6 ' c3 & c2 on, c1 off
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = False
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = True
    Case 7 ' All on
    Worksheets("s1").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s2").Visible = True
    Worksheets("s3").Visible = True
    End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub c1_Change()
    Select Case c1
    Case True
    intStatus = intStatus + 1
    Case False
    intStatus = intStatus - 1
    End Select

    Call C_Action(intStatus)
    End Sub

    Private Sub c2_Change()
    Select Case c2
    Case True
    intStatus = intStatus + 2
    Case False
    intStatus = intStatus - 2
    End Select
    Call C_Action(intStatus)
    End Sub

    Private Sub c3_Change()
    Select Case c3
    Case True
    intStatus = intStatus + 4
    Case False
    intStatus = intStatus - 4
    End Select
    Call C_Action(intStatus)
    End Sub

    In your case you have 32 possibilities, but the code is essentially the same, albeit somewhat longer.

    PS: The + sign acts as on OR operator on Boolean values. c1+c2+c3 means if any of the boxes is On

  7. #7
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Is it not just something like this.
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Last edited by Norie; 03-14-2005 at 02:47 PM.

  8. #8
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    5 checkboxes and 32 combinations is probably a maximum any programmer can support with cut and paste techniques. If you were to have 10 checkboxes, then the number of combinations would grow to 1024 and the code I posted earlier, through extendable in principle, would become very cumbersome.

    With some conventions, to be agreed upon, for the worksheetnames we can reduce the code to a fixed amount, independent of the number of checkboxes.

    Here it goes: Worksheetnames consist of a root part concatenated with a number that corresponds to its checkboxnumber. e.g. S1 is a worksheetname with a root "S" corresponding to checkbox number 1.

    A status variable is used in the same way as described in the earlier code. This program replaces the earlier one (for 3 checkboxes).

    Private Sub C_Action(intStatus As Integer)

    Const c_intNCb As Integer = 3 'Number of check boxes
    Const c_strWsRoot As String = "S" 'Worksheet Name Root

    'If any box is on, then show "Any"-Sheet
    Select Case c1 + c2 + c3
    Case True
    Worksheets("any").Visible = True
    Case False
    Worksheets("any").Visible = False
    ' *** Hide all but one Worksheet - exception code to
    ' be inserted here *********************************
    End Select

    Dim intMask As Integer
    intMask = 1

    Dim intL As Integer
    For intL = 1 To c_intNCb

    Select Case (intStatus And intMask) = intMask
    Case True 'show worksheet
    Worksheets(c_strWsRoot & CStr(intL)).Visible = True
    Case False 'hide worksheet
    Worksheets(c_strWsRoot & CStr(intL)).Visible = False
    End Select

    intMask = intMask * 2


    End Sub

    If more boxes are used, change the constant c_intNCb and the test C1+C2+C3+ ... to whatever number of boxes you have. (If you have more than 15 checkboxes use Long Variables!)

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