
I am using Excel '97.

I have a macro that copies data from an input sheet and pastes it into
another, but it is deleting cells and moving the deleted selection (25 Cells)
to the left on the last paste.

The macro has been written in a setup sheet, which the user then modifies by
input to reflect their needs. The macro works fine in the setup sheet, but
when run in a sequence of macros creating the user defined sheet, it causes
25 cells to be deleted to the left (in the KEY sheet, column E). Please can
anyone tell me why this is happening from the code below?


Dim CELL As Range, RNG As Range
With Worksheets("SETUP")
Set RNG = .Range(.Range("C3:C52"), .Range("C3:C52") .End(xlDown))
End With

For Each CELL in RNG
If CELL <> "" Then
iNextFree = Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("SETUP").Range("D" & Cell.Row, "AB" & CELL.Row).Copy
Cells(iNextFree, "E").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues,
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, TRANSPOSE:=True
End If
End Sub