I am trying to build a project which would copy the data from one sheet to another sheet in the same workbook. The some of the copied data and sheet name changes according to the vaules given on the first sheet.
Here is the detail example:

On sheet 1(Index) I have created an index/database of all the invesrtors.

Inv. Name %age Owed

abc 94
xyz 89
pqr 55
stu 37

Sheet 2(All funds) contains the information which needs to be copied to other sheets.

Name : Deals Corp. Ltd

Pr.Amt: $ 40000( At 100%)

Date : 10/11/05

Unknown Pmt Amt: $5000 (Calculated according to Pr. Amt)
Known Pmt. Amt: $5550 (Calculated according to Pr. Amt)

I need a script which will copy the data from sheet 2 and calculate the principal amount according to the value given in Index sheet.
It should automatically create and name the sheet according to the values on the first sheet.

The copied sheet should name as "abc" with the Pr. Amt as (94% of 40000) and should do same for rest of the data on index sheet.
