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Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

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  1. #1

    Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro. The
    problem I appear to be having is that when I run the macro the first time it
    runs smoothly. However if I run it again some of my files (ones for the mail
    merge) are locked and won't open when I am trying to open them in the macro.
    I do have it in my code to close those workbooks and quit the application.
    Is there any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when it
    doesn't open a workbook for this reason?
    Is there a way of opening a workbook so that you would not get the locked
    for editing by another user and notification of when it's available message?
    Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left open
    causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there any quick fix to
    clean up the files and close the application if the macro bombs before it has
    a chance to do those things?
    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    Go into the task manager. There are probably many instances of Excel still
    running. You code is probably not releasing Excel because it has created
    ghost references which can't be released or you just plain old haven't put
    in the code to release the references. (setting variables to nothing in
    reverse order to the way they were created and quiting the Excel

    This can be subtle.

    xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")

    would create a ghost reference because the Range("A1") is not qualified all
    the way back to a releasable reference

    xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1")

    would be the fix.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro.

    > problem I appear to be having is that when I run the macro the first time

    > runs smoothly. However if I run it again some of my files (ones for the

    > merge) are locked and won't open when I am trying to open them in the

    > I do have it in my code to close those workbooks and quit the application.
    > Is there any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when it
    > doesn't open a workbook for this reason?
    > Is there a way of opening a workbook so that you would not get the

    > for editing by another user and notification of when it's available

    > Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left open
    > causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there any quick fix

    > clean up the files and close the application if the macro bombs before it

    > a chance to do those things?
    > Any help is appreciated.
    > Thanks,
    > Heather

  3. #3

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    Does the 2000 version have a task manager. I've just been restarting my
    computer as for the code I will have to go through and check it carefully. I
    did close the workbooks and reset the objects to nothing but I will recheck.
    Can you think of any reason though why sometimes when I tried to open a
    certain workbook it failed to open it. Yet if I copied the data to a new
    workbook and saved it under a new name it opened it no problem?
    Thanks for your help

    "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

    > Go into the task manager. There are probably many instances of Excel still
    > running. You code is probably not releasing Excel because it has created
    > ghost references which can't be released or you just plain old haven't put
    > in the code to release the references. (setting variables to nothing in
    > reverse order to the way they were created and quiting the Excel
    > application.)
    > This can be subtle.
    > xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")
    > would create a ghost reference because the Range("A1") is not qualified all
    > the way back to a releasable reference
    > xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1")
    > would be the fix.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro.

    > The
    > > problem I appear to be having is that when I run the macro the first time

    > it
    > > runs smoothly. However if I run it again some of my files (ones for the

    > mail
    > > merge) are locked and won't open when I am trying to open them in the

    > macro.
    > > I do have it in my code to close those workbooks and quit the application.
    > > Is there any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when it
    > > doesn't open a workbook for this reason?
    > > Is there a way of opening a workbook so that you would not get the

    > locked
    > > for editing by another user and notification of when it's available

    > message?
    > > Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left open
    > > causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there any quick fix

    > to
    > > clean up the files and close the application if the macro bombs before it

    > has
    > > a chance to do those things?
    > > Any help is appreciated.
    > > Thanks,
    > > Heather


  4. #4
    Dick Kusleika

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks


    Can you post the code you're using? Maybe someone can spot the problem. As
    Tom said, it's usually an unqualified object reference that's creating a
    whole new instance and you're not aware of it. He used the unfortunate
    example of Range which is also a Word object, but his point is valid.

    You could try to use GetObject instead of CreateObject, but you'd just be
    masking the underlying problem.

    **** Kusleika
    Excel MVP
    Daily Dose of Excel

    HeatherO wrote:
    > Does the 2000 version have a task manager. I've just been restarting
    > my computer as for the code I will have to go through and check it
    > carefully. I did close the workbooks and reset the objects to
    > nothing but I will recheck. Can you think of any reason though why
    > sometimes when I tried to open a certain workbook it failed to open
    > it. Yet if I copied the data to a new workbook and saved it under a
    > new name it opened it no problem?
    > Thanks for your help
    > Heather
    > "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
    >> Go into the task manager. There are probably many instances of
    >> Excel still running. You code is probably not releasing Excel
    >> because it has created ghost references which can't be released or
    >> you just plain old haven't put in the code to release the
    >> references. (setting variables to nothing in reverse order to the
    >> way they were created and quiting the Excel application.)
    >> This can be subtle.
    >> xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")
    >> would create a ghost reference because the Range("A1") is not
    >> qualified all the way back to a releasable reference
    >> xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1").Sort
    >> Key1:=xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1")
    >> would be the fix.
    >> --
    >> Regards,
    >> Tom Ogilvy
    >> "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word
    >>> macro. The problem I appear to be having is that when I run the
    >>> macro the first time it runs smoothly. However if I run it again
    >>> some of my files (ones for the mail merge) are locked and won't
    >>> open when I am trying to open them in the macro. I do have it in my
    >>> code to close those workbooks and quit the application. Is there
    >>> any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when it
    >>> doesn't open a workbook for this reason? Is there a way of
    >>> opening a workbook so that you would not get the locked for editing
    >>> by another user and notification of when it's available message?
    >>> Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left
    >>> open causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there
    >>> any quick fix to clean up the files and close the application if
    >>> the macro bombs before it has a chance to do those things?
    >>> Any help is appreciated.
    >>> Thanks,
    >>> Heather

  5. #5

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    Hi ****,
    I can post the code unfortunately it is rather big. I am doing alot of
    manipulation with it. There are other sub procedures that I did not include
    I only included the relevant ones. If someone can help me spot the problem
    that would be great. It appears that the mail merge sub procedure which I am
    also doing and will include seems to bomb and gives an error stating file in
    use personal.xls is locked for editing however this is just another macro
    that I have stored and doesn't apply to this macro at all. Thanks for the
    help. I will try to go through it step by step to see why it seems to be
    locking the workbooks for editing. I just wish I could open them without

    Public AppXL As Object
    Dim XLBook As Object
    Dim XLBook2 As Object
    Dim XLBook3 As Object
    Dim XLBookENG As Object
    Dim XLBookFRE As Object
    Dim XLSheet As Object
    Dim XLSheet1 As Object
    Dim XLSheet2 As Object
    Dim XLShtEng As Object
    Dim XLShtFre As Object

    Dim XLrng As Object
    Dim XLrng1 As Object
    Private Const xlUP As Long = -4162
    Dim lislrow As Long

    'varfname is a file and location entered in a userform text box and passed
    to procedure (ie. "C:\Model Pilot\3456789.xls")
    Sub client_count(varfname)
    ' Macro A
    'open excel client listing table and count number of accounts.

    Dim xlntrn As Boolean
    Dim lokval As Integer
    Dim clcnt As Integer
    Dim cnttxt As String
    Dim thisWB As Object

    On Error Resume Next
    Set AppXL = CreateObject("Excel.application")

    If Err Then
    xlntrn = True
    Set AppXL = New Application
    End If

    clcnt = 0

    Set XLBook1 = AppXL.workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\Model Pilot\ Model
    GridI.xls", Password:="Cookie")
    Set XLBook2 = AppXL.workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\Model Pilot\Names.xls",
    Set XLBook = AppXL.workbooks.Open(filename:=varfname)
    Set XLBookENG = AppXL.workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\Model Pilot\EngMrg.xls")
    Set XLBookFRE = AppXL.workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\Model Pilot\FreMrg.xls")

    Set XLSheet = XLBook.worksheets(1)
    Set XLSheet1 = XLBook1.worksheets(1)
    Set XLSheet2 = XLBook2.worksheets(1)
    Set XLShtEng = XLBookENG.worksheets(1)
    Set XLShtFre = XLBookFRE.worksheets(1)

    Set XLrng = XLSheet1.Range("A2:M55")
    Set XLrng1 = XLSheet2.Range("A2:E36")

    lislrow = XLSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUP).Row

    'sort data by lastname account number in listing excel file
    'Range("A2:Y" & lislrow).Sort Key1:=Range("G2"), Order1:=xlAscending,
    Key2:=Range _
    ("A2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1,
    MatchCase _
    :=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _

    For counter = 2 To lislrow

    If counter > 2 Then
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value = XLSheet.Cells(counter - 1,
    1).Value Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If
    End If

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "Y" Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "y" Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If

    clcnt = clcnt + 1#

    Next counter

    cnttxt = "There are " & clcnt & " client accounts listed."
    UserForm2.txtbox_cnt = cnttxt
    End Sub

    Sub switch_form(varfname)
    ' Macro created 2/26/2005 by Heather Ouellette
    'open excel and workbooks to do lookups and store in listing table.

    Dim lokval As Integer
    Dim lokval2 As String
    Dim dtdwnld As String
    Dim tovar As String
    Dim fromvar As String
    Dim acctno As String
    Dim xrefno As String
    Dim grpno As String
    Dim Dlrno As String
    Dim repno As String
    Dim colx As String
    Dim coly As String
    Dim fname As String
    Dim finadv As String
    Dim colT As String
    Dim tbl1dat, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8
    Dim tbl2dat, colA, colB, colC, colD
    Dim fundnam1 As String
    Dim fundno1 As String
    Dim unitno As String
    Dim mv As String
    Dim pacamt As String
    Dim swpamt As String
    Dim fundnam2 As String
    Dim fundnoA As String
    Dim fundnoB As String
    Dim lang As String
    Dim trow As Integer
    Dim fstcpy As String
    Dim dtyr As String
    Dim dtmm As String
    Dim dtdy As String
    Dim frstnam As String
    Dim lstnam As String
    Dim midpt As Integer
    Dim firstnm As String
    Dim midnm As String
    Dim lastnm As String
    Dim rwadd As String
    Dim numrws As Long
    Dim fndint As String
    Dim grsnet As String
    Dim prevlng As String
    'colx, coly variables
    Dim BkMrkToUpdte As String
    Dim TxtToUse As String
    'mail merge variables
    Dim eshtcnt As Long
    Dim fshtcnt As Long
    Dim AstMdl As String
    'sort data by lastname account number in listing excel file
    ' Range("A2:Y" & lislrow).Sort Key1:=Range("G2"), Order1:=xlAscending,
    Key2:=Range _
    ("A2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1,
    MatchCase _
    :=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _

    For counter = 2 To lislrow
    If counter = 2 Then
    eshtcnt = 1
    fshtcnt = 1
    End If
    'skip rows where col Z contains a "Y,y" -suppress records
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "Y" Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "y" Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If

    'lookup value
    lokval = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 15).Value

    'row AE - col L of Model Grid
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval, XLrng, 12, False)
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 31).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 31).Value = res
    End If

    'row AF - col H of Model Grid
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval, XLrng, 8, False)
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 32).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 32).Value = res
    End If

    'row AB - used for AC lookup
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval, XLrng, 2, False)
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 28).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 28).Value = res
    End If

    'row AD - Fund Name for Buy (from Model..xls)
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value = "E" Then 'English name
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval, XLrng, 10, False)
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value = res
    End If
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval, XLrng, 11, False) 'French name
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value = res
    End If
    End If

    'row AC - Fund Name for Sell (from Names.xls)

    lokval2 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 28).Value
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value = "E" Then 'English name
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval2, XLrng1, 3, False)
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value = res
    End If
    res = AppXL.vlookup(lokval2, XLrng1, 5, False) 'French Name
    If IsError(res) Then
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value = ""
    XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value = res
    End If
    End If

    'build merge files for mail merge
    If counter = 2 Then
    Call bld_ml_mrg(eshtcnt, fshtcnt, AstMdl, counter)
    End If
    If counter > 2 Then
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value <> XLSheet.Cells(counter - 1,
    1).Value Then
    Call bld_ml_mrg(eshtcnt, fshtcnt, AstMdl, counter)
    End If
    'if same account number check if different model values and
    assign appropriate text for mail merge document since may have both models.
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value = XLSheet.Cells(counter - 1,
    1).Value Then
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value = "E" Then
    Select Case AstMdl
    Case "Blue and Green Models"
    GoTo labelX

    Case "Blue Models"
    If Mid(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 16).Value, 1, 8) <> "BL"
    AstMdl = "Blue and Green Models"
    XLShtEng.Cells(eshtcnt, 9).Value = AstMdl
    End If

    Case "Green Models"
    If Mid(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 16).Value, 1, 8) = "GR"
    AstMdl = "Blue and Green Models"
    XLShtEng.Cells(eshtcnt, 9).Value = AstMdl
    End If
    End Select
    End If
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value <> "E" Then
    Select Case AstMdl
    Case "modèles Blue"
    GoTo labelX

    Case "modèles Blue"
    If Mid(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 16).Value, 1, 8) <> "BL"
    AstMdl = "modèles Blue et Verte"
    XLShtFre.Cells(fshtcnt, 9).Value = AstMdl
    End If

    Case "modèles Green"
    If Mid(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 16).Value, 1, 8) = "GR"
    AstMdl = "modèles Blue et Verte"
    XLShtFre.Cells(fshtcnt, 9).Value = AstMdl
    End If
    End Select
    End If
    End If
    End If

    Next counter

    'read through the excel file and get data
    fstcpy = "NO"
    rwadd = "NO"
    For counter = 2 To lislrow

    If counter = 2 Then
    Call opn_docs
    End If

    'ignore rows where col Z has a "Y"
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "Y" Then
    GoTo Label2
    End If
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 26).Value = "y" Then
    GoTo Label2
    End If

    lang = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 14).Value = "E" Then
    lang = "Eng"
    lang = "Fre"
    End If ' counter, 14 = E
    'set active document to lang
    If counter = 2 Then
    Call src_doc(lang)
    End If

    colx = "NO"
    coly = "NO"

    ' copy document

    If counter > 2 Then
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value <> XLSheet.Cells(counter - 1,
    1).Value Then
    'determine if it's first time to copy documents
    If fstcpy = "YES" Then
    fstcpy = "DONE"
    End If
    If fstcpy = "NO" Then
    fstcpy = "YES"
    End If

    'copy to output append on other stuff

    Call copy_doc(fstcpy)
    Call src_doc(lang)

    Call clr_tbl_data(rwadd, numrws)
    Call clr_colxy(lang)
    End If 'account not equal to previous account
    End If

    ' TABLE values
    If counter > 2 Then

    ' check if same account
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value = XLSheet.Cells(counter - 1,
    1).Value Then
    ' same account update table data
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 17).Value > 0 Then
    fundnam1 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value
    fundno1 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 15).Value
    unitno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 17).Value
    mv = "$" & Round(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 19).Value, 2)

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 24).Value > 0 Then
    pacamt = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 24).Value
    pacamt = ""
    End If
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 25).Value > 0 Then
    swpamt = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 25).Value
    swpamt = ""
    End If
    fundnam2 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value
    fundnoA = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 31).Value
    fundnoB = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 32).Value

    If lang = "Eng" Then
    grsnet = "ALL"
    grsnet = "TOUT"
    End If

    trow = trow + 1
    tbl1dat = Array(trow, fundnam1, fundno1, unitno, mv,
    grsnet, pacamt, swpamt)
    tbl2dat = Array(trow, fundnam2, fundnoA, fundnoB)
    Call tbl_data(tbl1dat, tbl2dat, rwadd, numrws)
    GoTo Label2
    End If
    End If
    End If 'counter greater then 2


    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 24).Value > 0 Then
    colx = "YES"
    colx = "NO"
    End If

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 25).Value > 0 Then
    coly = "YES"
    coly = "NO"
    End If

    acctno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 1).Value
    xrefno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 2).Value

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 5).Value = 0 Then
    grpno = " "
    grpno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 5).Value
    End If

    Dlrno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 3).Value
    repno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 4).Value

    'convert to title case
    'firstnm = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 6).Value
    'lastnm = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 7).Value

    'First Name
    Call title_case(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 6).Value, firstnm)

    For k = 1 To Len(firstnm)

    If Mid(firstnm, k, 1) = " " Then
    midpt = k
    Call title_case(Mid(firstnm, 1, k - 1), frstnam)
    Call title_case(Mid(firstnm, k + 1, Len(firstnm)), midnm)
    firstnm = frstnam & " " & midnm
    End If
    Next k

    'Last Name
    Call title_case(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 7).Value, lstnam)
    For m = 1 To Len(lstnam)
    If Mid(lstnam, m, 1) = " " Then
    midpt = m
    Call title_case(Mid(lstnam, 1, k - 1), lastnm)
    Call title_case(Mid(lstnam, k + 1, Len(lstnam)), midnm)
    firstnm = lastnm & midnm
    End If
    Next m

    fname = firstnm & " " & lstnam
    fromvar = firstnm & " " & lstnam

    dtdwnld = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 27).Value
    Call cnvrt_date(dtdwnld)

    Call insrt_data(dtdwnld, tovar, fromvar, acctno, xrefno, grpno,
    Dlrno, repno, colx, coly, fname, finadv, colT, lang)

    'assign table values
    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 17).Value > 0 Then
    fundnam1 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 29).Value
    fundno1 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 15).Value
    unitno = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 17).Value
    mv = "$" & Round(XLSheet.Cells(counter, 19).Value, 2)

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 24).Value > 0 Then
    pacamt = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 24).Value
    pacamt = ""
    End If

    If XLSheet.Cells(counter, 25).Value > 0 Then
    swpamt = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 25).Value
    swpamt = " "
    End If

    fundnam2 = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 30).Value
    fundnoA = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 31).Value
    fundnoB = XLSheet.Cells(counter, 32).Value
    trow = 1
    If lang = "Eng" Then
    grsnet = "ALL"
    grsnet = "TOUT"
    End If
    tbl1dat = Array(trow, fundnam1, fundno1, unitno, mv, grsnet,
    pacamt, swpamt)
    tbl2dat = Array(trow, fundnam2, fundnoA, fundnoB)
    Call tbl_data(tbl1dat, tbl2dat, rwadd, numrws)
    End If 'counter,17 > 0

    Next counter

    'close excel application and workbook without changes made for retrieving data

    'copy last document
    Call copy_doc("DONE")

    XLBook.Close savechanges:=False
    XLBook1.Close savechanges:=False
    XLBook2.Close savechanges:=False

    Set XLBook = Nothing
    Set XLBook1 = Nothing
    Set XLBook2 = Nothing
    Set XLSheet = Nothing
    Set XLSheet1 = Nothing
    Set XLSheet2 = Nothing
    Set XLrng = Nothing
    Set XLrng1 = Nothing

    Call cls_docs
    End Sub
    'Goes back to userform3 to do the mail merge (if they click no to not do the
    mail merge this cmdbtn click procedure )

    Private Sub CmdBtnNO_Click()
    Documents("Step 2.doc").Activate
    ActiveWindow.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

    XLBookENG.Close savechanges:=False
    XLBookFRE.Close savechanges:=False
    XLBook2.Close savechanges:=False

    Set XLBookENG = Nothing
    Set XLBookFRE = Nothing

    Set XLShtEng = Nothing
    Set XLShtFre = Nothing
    End Sub

    'If Mail merge is yes and englixh and french files are entered in userform
    they are passed to this procedure that runs this code with AppXL still open)

    sub do_mail_merge(mrgfile_eng, mrgfile_fre)
    Dim docname As String
    Dim dtasrc As String
    Dim filecnt As Long

    lislrow = XLShtEng.Range("A65536").End(xlUP).Row
    If lislrow >= 2 Then
    docname = mrgfile_eng
    dtasrc = "C:\Model Pilot\EngMrg.xls"
    filecnt = 1
    GoTo labelZ
    End If


    Documents.Open (docname)
    With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
    .OpenDataSource name:=dtasrc, _
    ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=True, LinkToSource:=True, _
    AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:="",
    PasswordTemplate:="", _
    WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="",
    Revert:=False, _
    Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="Enitre Spreadsheet" _
    , SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`", SQLStatement1:=""
    .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
    End With
    ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

    If filecnt < 2 Then
    lislrow = 0
    lislrow = XLShtFre.Range("A65536").End(xlUP).Row
    If lislrow >= 2 Then
    docname = mrgfile_fre
    dtasrc = "C:\Model Pilot\FreMrg.xls"
    filecnt = filecnt + 1
    GoTo labelZ
    End If
    End If

    XLBookENG.Close savechanges:=False
    XLBookFRE.Close savechanges:=False

    Set XLBookENG = Nothing
    Set XLBookFRE = Nothing

    Set XLShtEng = Nothing
    Set XLShtFre = Nothing

    End Sub

    "**** Kusleika" wrote:

    > Heather
    > Can you post the code you're using? Maybe someone can spot the problem. As
    > Tom said, it's usually an unqualified object reference that's creating a
    > whole new instance and you're not aware of it. He used the unfortunate
    > example of Range which is also a Word object, but his point is valid.
    > You could try to use GetObject instead of CreateObject, but you'd just be
    > masking the underlying problem.
    > --
    > **** Kusleika
    > Excel MVP
    > Daily Dose of Excel
    > www.*****-blog.com
    > HeatherO wrote:
    > > Does the 2000 version have a task manager. I've just been restarting
    > > my computer as for the code I will have to go through and check it
    > > carefully. I did close the workbooks and reset the objects to
    > > nothing but I will recheck. Can you think of any reason though why
    > > sometimes when I tried to open a certain workbook it failed to open
    > > it. Yet if I copied the data to a new workbook and saved it under a
    > > new name it opened it no problem?
    > > Thanks for your help
    > > Heather
    > >
    > > "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
    > >
    > >> Go into the task manager. There are probably many instances of
    > >> Excel still running. You code is probably not releasing Excel
    > >> because it has created ghost references which can't be released or
    > >> you just plain old haven't put in the code to release the
    > >> references. (setting variables to nothing in reverse order to the
    > >> way they were created and quiting the Excel application.)
    > >>
    > >> This can be subtle.
    > >>
    > >> xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")
    > >>
    > >> would create a ghost reference because the Range("A1") is not
    > >> qualified all the way back to a releasable reference
    > >>
    > >> xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1").Sort
    > >> Key1:=xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1")
    > >>
    > >> would be the fix.
    > >>
    > >> --
    > >> Regards,
    > >> Tom Ogilvy
    > >>
    > >> "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > >> news:[email protected]...
    > >>> I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word
    > >>> macro. The problem I appear to be having is that when I run the
    > >>> macro the first time it runs smoothly. However if I run it again
    > >>> some of my files (ones for the mail merge) are locked and won't
    > >>> open when I am trying to open them in the macro. I do have it in my
    > >>> code to close those workbooks and quit the application. Is there
    > >>> any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when it
    > >>> doesn't open a workbook for this reason? Is there a way of
    > >>> opening a workbook so that you would not get the locked for editing
    > >>> by another user and notification of when it's available message?
    > >>> Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left
    > >>> open causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there
    > >>> any quick fix to clean up the files and close the application if
    > >>> the macro bombs before it has a chance to do those things?
    > >>> Any help is appreciated.
    > >>> Thanks,
    > >>> Heather


  6. #6
    Dick Kusleika

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    HeatherO wrote:
    > Hi ****,
    > I can post the code unfortunately it is rather big.

    So I see.

    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set AppXL = CreateObject("Excel.application")

    You shouldn't leave this On Error active for the whole sub. Just use it
    when you need it. You may be masking errors.
    > Sub switch_form(varfname)

    I don't see where you quit the Excel App in this sub. Obviously I don't
    understand everything that's happening here, but it just seemed like it
    should be here.

    If you want to find the problem, you can step through the code with the Task
    Manager open. After every line, count the Excel instances in the TM. If
    there's one more than you expect, that's the line with the unqualified
    reference that's creating the orphaned instance. I realize that it will
    take a week to do that, but I don't know how else you'd find it.

    **** Kusleika
    Excel MVP
    Daily Dose of Excel

  7. #7
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    > Can you think of any reason though why sometimes when I tried to open a
    > certain workbook it failed to open it.

    I already gave you the answer.

    Adjust your code to properly handle excel and your problem will go away.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Does the 2000 version have a task manager. I've just been restarting my
    > computer as for the code I will have to go through and check it carefully.

    > did close the workbooks and reset the objects to nothing but I will

    > Can you think of any reason though why sometimes when I tried to open a
    > certain workbook it failed to open it. Yet if I copied the data to a new
    > workbook and saved it under a new name it opened it no problem?
    > Thanks for your help
    > Heather
    > "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
    > > Go into the task manager. There are probably many instances of Excel

    > > running. You code is probably not releasing Excel because it has

    > > ghost references which can't be released or you just plain old haven't

    > > in the code to release the references. (setting variables to nothing in
    > > reverse order to the way they were created and quiting the Excel
    > > application.)
    > >
    > > This can be subtle.
    > >
    > > xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")
    > >
    > > would create a ghost reference because the Range("A1") is not qualified

    > > the way back to a releasable reference
    > >
    > > xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=xlApp.Activesheet.Range("A1")
    > >
    > > would be the fix.
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Tom Ogilvy
    > >
    > > "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > > > I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro.

    > > The
    > > > problem I appear to be having is that when I run the macro the first

    > > it
    > > > runs smoothly. However if I run it again some of my files (ones for

    > > mail
    > > > merge) are locked and won't open when I am trying to open them in the

    > > macro.
    > > > I do have it in my code to close those workbooks and quit the

    > > > Is there any way to test for the workbook.open command failing when

    > > > doesn't open a workbook for this reason?
    > > > Is there a way of opening a workbook so that you would not get the

    > > locked
    > > > for editing by another user and notification of when it's available

    > > message?
    > > > Also when the macro bombs all the files and application are left

    > > > causing errors when I am trying to debug it again, is there any quick

    > > to
    > > > clean up the files and close the application if the macro bombs before

    > > has
    > > > a chance to do those things?
    > > > Any help is appreciated.
    > > > Thanks,
    > > > Heather

    > >
    > >
    > >

  8. #8
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    "Tom Ogilvy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    > This can be subtle.
    > xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")

    That gives a 'Not Defined' error when called in a Word macro.

    > "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro.

  9. #9
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    Since Word has a range object, let's adjust it to

    > xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Bob Phillips" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > "Tom Ogilvy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > This can be subtle.
    > >
    > > xlApp.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Sort Key1:=Range("A1")

    > That gives a 'Not Defined' error when called in a Word macro.
    > >
    > > "HeatherO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > > > I have used late binding to access excel workbooks from my word macro.


  10. #10
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    "Tom Ogilvy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > Since Word has a range object, let's adjust it to

    But it doesn't have a Range(cell) object, so it bombs as you wrote it.

  11. #11
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Late Binding issues when closing workbooks

    I was trying to illustrate a concept. If you have an example that actually
    causes the problem, post away.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Bob Phillips" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > "Tom Ogilvy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:%[email protected]...
    > > Since Word has a range object, let's adjust it to

    > But it doesn't have a Range(cell) object, so it bombs as you wrote it.

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