So, this is the formula I'd like to put into cells:


Where dStyle and Notes are String Variables defined in the VBA.

That formula itself is working fine if I type it in myself into the
cells by hand (dStyle and Notes are picked out by hand from the
existing cells), but I'm trying to automate and write a macro to do all
of them at once. But when I try to go

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 14).FormulaR1C1 = "=HYPERLINK ...

I can't seem to get the " and & straight. I know I'm suppose to go ""
and && if I want to see single " and & inside the formula, but I also
need to add " and & to include dStyle and Notes into the formula, it
all gets messed up.

This has been a bane of my existance. Any help would be appreciated :D
