This macro used to work fine. Untill i tried this on my new computer. Now it stucks somehow.

This is my problem:
The information in my excelsheet is to be exported to an access database by the click on a button.

This is the macro that should do it:

Sub GetAccess()
Application.StatusBar = "Working in MS Access"
Dim MyAccess As Object
Set MyAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
MyAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\database.mdb"
MyAccess.DoCmd.RunMacro "Run"
End Sub

Now when i enter stuff in the excelsheet, and i press the button to export it, i see "working in MS Access" appear on the bottom of the screen. The information is indeed exported.

The problem is, when i try this a second time, it doesn't work anymore. the "working in MS Access" doesn't dissapear from the bottom. The macro seems to not stop working after a first click on the button.

Even when i close the excellist, i get a message saying "the file is now available for editing" or something.

Does anyone have an idea what has caused this?