OK,..This one is driving me nuts!!!

I created this form in Excel that contains 7 different tabbed worksheets within it.
So far so good!

I have a button that when pressed, automatically prints out all 7 worksheets at once to the printer!

Here's the problem. I entered the code as such (see below) that it DOES work,..but if anyone changes the name of the workbook,..they get a debug error message!!! Is there something I can add in the lines of code so that they can name the workbook anything they want and it will still print. I tried *.xls in place of the Project Workbook.xls assuming "*" meant wildcard,..but it didn't work.

As other folks use this form,..they often change the name of the file or workbook to Project Workbook 2 or 3 or they add a date or something and then it throws it off.

Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Overview"
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Contact_List"
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Issue_Tracker"
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Site_List"
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Project_Plan"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=3
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Exec_Summary"
Application.Run "'Project Workbook.xls'!Print_Closeout"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=3

