Hi folks

Office 97 & NT4

I've been handed a bit of a poisened chalice & like a fool I've taken a
sip...so here's the problem:

Esentially I need to prohibit printing a file unless a small number of
fields are completed. This was originally done in MS Word, but nothing stops
the users from choosing 'Disable Macros' and printing out as many copies as
they like.

I've come across XML macros that cannot be disabled, so I think Excel is my
only choice (yes?). What I'd like to do then is create a spreadsheet that
contains some text fields, which are validated and upon completion, prompt
the user to print. I can handle the validation & the final msgbox "print
now?" etc, but am completely stumped re. creating code from previous
versions of Excel.

Can anyone help me or suggest an alternative way to solve this problem? I
don't mind how it's done as long as users can't print a (partially or
totally) incomplete form - that's the nub of the issue

Ideally I'd like to use Word, and not use UserForms, but beggars can't be
