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Automatically enter password

  1. #1

    Automatically enter password

    I have a macro in Excel that opens an OLE program called BI Query which
    interegates one of our databses and return the results to an Excel worksheet.
    Everything works fine but their is one niggle, when BI Query connects to the
    database a password box appears and the whole process stop until the password
    is entered. At the moment we enter the password manually. We want to make
    this a totally independent process. Is there any why to get the password into
    the box either through Excel or another form filling program?
    For example if we schedule the macro to run at 6pm and it needs the password
    at 6:05pm is there a program that anyone knows of that we could have run at
    6:06pm and enter a text string into the password box which has the focus.
    I've tried to do this from Excel but have had no luck, and theres nothing in
    BI Query's library to allow me to do this.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Bob Umlas, Excel MVP

    RE: Automatically enter password

    I don't know BI Query, but you can try this. Assuming your password is
    "password" (no quotes), you can run this statement at the beginning of your
    excel macro (yes, BEFORE the dialog for the password):
    Sendkeys "password~"
    where the "~" is the equivalent of the enter key.

    "Naz" wrote:

    > I have a macro in Excel that opens an OLE program called BI Query which
    > interegates one of our databses and return the results to an Excel worksheet.
    > Everything works fine but their is one niggle, when BI Query connects to the
    > database a password box appears and the whole process stop until the password
    > is entered. At the moment we enter the password manually. We want to make
    > this a totally independent process. Is there any why to get the password into
    > the box either through Excel or another form filling program?
    > For example if we schedule the macro to run at 6pm and it needs the password
    > at 6:05pm is there a program that anyone knows of that we could have run at
    > 6:06pm and enter a text string into the password box which has the focus.
    > I've tried to do this from Excel but have had no luck, and theres nothing in
    > BI Query's library to allow me to do this.
    > Any help is greatly appreciated.
    > --
    > _______________________
    > Naz,
    > London

  3. #3
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Automatically enter password

    Unless there's a compelling reason to use the actual .BQY document, you
    should be able to emulate the query and get everything you need from the
    database using ADO. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure the Brio authentication will
    continue to be an issue. I've had no trouble accessing my company's Brio
    data mart using Excel/VBA/ADO.

    Another option would be to put your BI Query document on the Ondemand Server
    and schedule it to be event driven. The event could be change in a database
    field that you have permissions to write to and the output could be a
    fileserver location.

    Does that help any?


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