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File Origin Japanese when importing textfiles

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  1. #1

    File Origin Japanese when importing textfiles

    Weird problem: Whenever I manually import a textfile into Excel it always
    suggest it's file orign to be '932 : Japanese (Shift-JIS)' although I have
    never used that language in my Windows XP Pro setup - I have no idea why it
    suggests this. Also the whole file will obviously be imported in Japanese
    characters if I choose to import it with the suggested language setting.

    Anyone have any ideas how to change it to default settings ? I'm not using
    any 'weird' or out-of-the-ordinary text files.

    The correct format is actually 'Windows (Ansi)', so how do I get Excel to
    understand that ?

    Kind regards

  2. #2

    Re: File Origin Japanese when importing textfiles


    maybe some registry settings were fouled.
    CharacterSet ANSI (REG_SZ stringvalue)

    if you have a copy op JETSQL40.CHM on your system
    (installed with Access) you'll find them the topics explained.
    else you have to try MSDN

    Registry Settings for External Data Sources
    - Initializing the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine Driver
    - Initializing the Text and HTML Data Source Driver


    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Rasmus wrote :

    > Weird problem: Whenever I manually import a textfile into Excel it
    > always suggest it's file orign to be '932 : Japanese (Shift-JIS)'
    > although I have never used that language in my Windows XP Pro setup -
    > I have no idea why it suggests this. Also the whole file will
    > obviously be imported in Japanese characters if I choose to import it
    > with the suggested language setting.
    > Anyone have any ideas how to change it to default settings ? I'm not
    > using any 'weird' or out-of-the-ordinary text files.
    > The correct format is actually 'Windows (Ansi)', so how do I get
    > Excel to understand that ?
    > Kind regards
    > Rasmus

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